MiKe Grant
New member
אוו גאד! זה כ"כ חזה לי את האישיות!
ArE yOu A hOTTiE wiTh A bOdY or A gEEk ThaT ReekS?!? This is your test... take a piece of paper and number it from 1-10! DONT LOOK AHEAD! 1) are you short, average, or tall?!? 2) are you skinny, average, or pleasantly plump?!? 3) are your eyes blue, brown, hazel, or green?!? 4) what is your favorite color out of these?!? *baby blue *red *purple *black *pink *green *yellow 5 ) where is your dream place to live?!? *hawaii *puerto rico *new york *paris 6) what is your favorite pet?!? *dog *cat *fish *hamster 7) what's your dream date?!? *movie *arcade *candle light dinner *amusement park 8) name a person of the opposite sex 9) name a person of the same sex 10) make a wish ***** ********** *************** ******************** ************************* ****************************** ************************* ******************** *************** ********** ***** ********** *************** ******************** ************************* ****************************** ************************* ****! **************** *************** ********** ***** 1) short= adorable average= p! opular tall=pretty 2) skinny= sweet average= fun pleasantly plump= nice 3) blue= sweet brown= sexy hazel= sensitive green= caring 4) baby blue= cool and calm red= anxious and energetic purple= laid back black= gothic pink= girlie girl green= outcast yellow= preppy 5) hawaii= laid back puerto rico= party animal new york= people person paris= love to shop 6) dog= great friend and lovable cat= curious and adventurous fish= boring hamster= nerd 7) movies= you like to make out arcade= player candle light dinner= romantic amusement park= adventurous 8) this person will ask you out 9) this person will hate you if you dont forward this quiz 10) your wish will come true if you forward this to 10 people or more if you send it to less than 10 people you will have bad luck with your love life forever... and you cant send this to the person who sent this to you!!! Hugs and kissess
ArE yOu A hOTTiE wiTh A bOdY or A gEEk ThaT ReekS?!? This is your test... take a piece of paper and number it from 1-10! DONT LOOK AHEAD! 1) are you short, average, or tall?!? 2) are you skinny, average, or pleasantly plump?!? 3) are your eyes blue, brown, hazel, or green?!? 4) what is your favorite color out of these?!? *baby blue *red *purple *black *pink *green *yellow 5 ) where is your dream place to live?!? *hawaii *puerto rico *new york *paris 6) what is your favorite pet?!? *dog *cat *fish *hamster 7) what's your dream date?!? *movie *arcade *candle light dinner *amusement park 8) name a person of the opposite sex 9) name a person of the same sex 10) make a wish ***** ********** *************** ******************** ************************* ****************************** ************************* ******************** *************** ********** ***** ********** *************** ******************** ************************* ****************************** ************************* ****! **************** *************** ********** ***** 1) short= adorable average= p! opular tall=pretty 2) skinny= sweet average= fun pleasantly plump= nice 3) blue= sweet brown= sexy hazel= sensitive green= caring 4) baby blue= cool and calm red= anxious and energetic purple= laid back black= gothic pink= girlie girl green= outcast yellow= preppy 5) hawaii= laid back puerto rico= party animal new york= people person paris= love to shop 6) dog= great friend and lovable cat= curious and adventurous fish= boring hamster= nerd 7) movies= you like to make out arcade= player candle light dinner= romantic amusement park= adventurous 8) this person will ask you out 9) this person will hate you if you dont forward this quiz 10) your wish will come true if you forward this to 10 people or more if you send it to less than 10 people you will have bad luck with your love life forever... and you cant send this to the person who sent this to you!!! Hugs and kissess