אולי כל אחד יזרוק סתם משפט


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אולי כל אחד יזרוק סתם משפט

שהוא אהב מסרט של אדוארד נורטון.. אני מתחיל: "בא לי לירות בראש של כל דוב פנדה שמסרב להזדיין בישביל להציל את הגזע שלו" חחחח איזה משפט גדול


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אהההם טוב

כרגע הראש שלי לא ממש פועל אבל: "אתה לא יכול לשנות את העולם,אבל אתה יכול לעשות חור קטן


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המשפט שלי

"advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working in jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need". זה המשפט שהכי מסכם בעיניי את כל מה שמסמלת תרבות הצריכה. יש עוד אחד: "it was beautiful. we were selling the rich ladies their fat asses back"


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ok here u go...

you have to know, not fear, that someday you are going to die. until you know that and embrace that, you are useless
the next time you feel like complaining to your chaplain or your lover about how miserable your life is, be thankful you are not cursed with the three terrible karmas - beauty, riches and fame
contrary to what your mothers and teachers tell you, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. we are all a part of the same compost heap.
oxygen gets you high. next time you are on a plane headed for disaster, take short natural breaths, not the giant, panicked breaths you would normally take before a fiery death and see how much more hurrific airline tragedy can be.
in order to create soap, the yardstick for civilization, you must first render fat. and the best fat for making soap - becouse the salt balance is just right - comes from human bodies.
pretty happy with where you are in life? do the contents of your wallet define you? are you as cool as those dancers on television becouse you wear the same khakis? if so keep it up it seems everything is working out great for you. what will you wish you'd done before you died? paint a self - portrait? build a house? dont wait until it's too late. do it now. otherwise your last thought on this planet will be regret.


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יש עוד משפט

חשבתי לשלוח אותו למדור של נימוסים והליכות בעיתון
as i pass do i give u the ass or the crotch?