אזרחות לילדים


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אזרחות לילדים

אני בעלת אזרחות אמריקאית, אותה קיבלתי בשל האזרחות של אמי. רציתי לדעת האם הילדים שלי יהיו גם הם אזרחים אמריקאים מלידה.אודה לתשובה.


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קצת בעייתי...אבל אולי יש פיתרון

את צריכה לחיות 5 שנים מעל גיל 14 בארה"ב ע"מ להעניק לילדך אזרחות. אם את לא ממלאת תנאים אלה, יש אפשרות שאימך, תעניק לנכדיה אזרחות. היא ממלאת את התנאים האלה, שהרי היא העניקה לך, אני לא בטוח אם זה אותם תנאים עבור הסבתא, צריך לברר. אם את רוצה לברר נתון זה, יש לשאול את יעקב, עורך הדין של הפורום.

Jacob Imm

New member

The rules determining the citizenship of children born to US citizens parents are very complicated and are determined on when the child was born. I would assum that in your case the children were born after 1986 and the new laws will apply. For your children to qualify you should have lived in the US for a minimum of five years, two of them after age 14. The child must be in the physical and legal custody of the citizen parent, you in this case, and must be lawfully in the US, although they are not required to be a permanent resident. The application can be filed from Israel, but the child must be in the US before he or she will be naturalized.​


New member
Hello Jacob

THE QUESTION IN her case is what happens in case she doesn't apply to these rules. can the new born child qualify if his grandparents lived in the USA enough time? what are the rules enabling grandparents to grant citizenship to the grandchild?1 thank you in advance Doron

Jacob Imm

New member

If she doesn't meet the citizenship rules as stated before, the US citizen mother will need to sponsor her kids through the family based first preference category if the child is single or the third preference category if the child is married. Grandparent cannot confer citizenship directly to a child. The rules change depending on when the child was born by the way.​


New member
add still - a question to Jacob

My wife made "Aliya" with her parents when she was 6 years old. Her parents left the states in their late 30's, and still live in Israel. is there a possiblity they will be able to confer a citizenship to our son when he will be born (in about 6 month)? 1 I am asking it because I know someone who did it, he was born around 1985, and had to go to the states with his grandparents in order to do it before he became 18 thanks in advance Doron