recommended guidlines
A resume should be one page. The title should be "Resume: Your Name", followed by your adress and how you can be contacted. After that, you should write a "Professional Skill Sumary" - which means what skills you posess, for example: strong organizational and inter-personal skills. Following is your education, include only what is relevant, meaning don't mention your elementary school, and in some cases not your high school. After that, write your Professional Experience, with a brief description of what you did in each place you mention. After that ut your military experience (if you have any), and "Selected Qualifications and Interests": hobbies, computer programs you are skilled at. Use a readable font (times new roman is recommended) and design the page so it would be easy on the eye. In addition, you should give consideration to a cover-letter, in which you highlight relevant experience that is written in your resume and explain how you are the most suitable person for the position you applying for. And of course, looking at examples in web-sites is also very helpful. Good luck!