איסטר בפינלנד= מתחפשים למכשפות


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איסטר בפינלנד= מתחפשים למכשפות

On Palm Sunday, they dress up as Easter witches, and go from door to door with sprigs of willow in their hands. As a reward for reciting a special verse they are given sweets or money. Known as virpominen, this ritual was originally a GreekOrthodox custom, familiar to people of that faith in eastern Finland. On Palm Sunday, people went about, lightly lashing their friends and relatives with willow twigs, while reciting a charm to ensure good health and success. The tradition of children dressing up as Easter witches, a figure in local superstitions, was documented in Swedish children's traditions at least a century ago. Thus Finland's modern willowbearing Easter witches combine the scandinavian witch tradition and the eastern Orthodox virpominen. This phenomenon is a recent example of the way eastern and western traditions, and Christian customs and folk superstitions merge in Finland.