אמממ דיברנו על הקטע הזה המון
בהופעה הם עושים את הקטע how to make a boy band ובתחילתו הקריין מקריא חוקים והנה הם: 1. The boys of the boyband must love, honour and obey their manager and must have no other manager but me. 2. They must sacrifice their privacy. 3. The boys must not have girlfriends. 4. Some of the boys in the boyband will have to take one or two years off their real ages. 5. The boys must always be ambigious about their sexuality and never confirm their sexual orientation...*something*...homosexual centre of the market. 6. They must always be prepared to smile. 7. The boys in the band must always be gracious, huggable, the boys-next-door. 8. The boys must be prepared to wear make-up. 9. They must never get too close to one another, they must never become real friends, just in case one of them breaks down and has to be discarded. 10. The most important rule of them all...the boys in the band must all be very, very...PRETTY.
בהופעה הם עושים את הקטע how to make a boy band ובתחילתו הקריין מקריא חוקים והנה הם: 1. The boys of the boyband must love, honour and obey their manager and must have no other manager but me. 2. They must sacrifice their privacy. 3. The boys must not have girlfriends. 4. Some of the boys in the boyband will have to take one or two years off their real ages. 5. The boys must always be ambigious about their sexuality and never confirm their sexual orientation...*something*...homosexual centre of the market. 6. They must always be prepared to smile. 7. The boys in the band must always be gracious, huggable, the boys-next-door. 8. The boys must be prepared to wear make-up. 9. They must never get too close to one another, they must never become real friends, just in case one of them breaks down and has to be discarded. 10. The most important rule of them all...the boys in the band must all be very, very...PRETTY.