תוספת קטנה
TWO VIRGINS" by John Lennon OY! It's bad enough that you have to look at John Lennon's cock on the cover of this record, but Yoko Ono is one of the only naked women that could make you go blind even if you didnt' masturbate. Most stores sold it in a brown paper bag (perhaps to vomit in after you purchased it) or with small adhesive stickers covering up the naughty bits. Almost as revolting is the pretentiousness that surrounded the album, as this quote about it from Lennon shows: "The music for Two Virgins comes without clothes and without clichés," He added, "A music metaphor for two persons seeing each other for the first time and then seeing what's there. The naked album cover is actually and extension of the music, for it exemplifies the idea of confrontation, an interaction between John and Yoko - a real East Meets West album."