אני צריכה עזרה - בבקשה


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אני צריכה עזרה - בבקשה

אובחנתי כחולת לופוס לפני כחודש יש לי את המחלה באוזניים ככתמים אדומים אני גם סובלת קצת מבעיות בפרקים, אבל אין עדיין אבחנה לגבי זה התחלתי טיפול במשחה קורטיזונית וזה קצת קצת משתפר בינתיים עשיתי בדיקות כלליות יש בדיקה שאני לא מבינה ואין לי סבלנות לחכות לביקור בבי"ח בשבוע הבא הבדיקה נקראת :DNA ANTIBODIES והתוצאה יצאה 49.6 מישהו יכול להסביר לי מה זה ואיך אוכלים את זה? בבקשה תתייחסו ברצינות כי בלחץ, והרי אסור לנו..... תודה על עזרתכם טל


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מקווה שאת יודעת אנגלית טוב

ANTI-DNA ANTIBODIES CLINICAL UTILITY: Antibodies form against native, or double stranded (ds) DNA in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but not in other rheumatic diseases. The titer of the antibodies is helpful in monitoring treatment of SLE. High titers usually are associated with acute flares of naturally occurring SLE, especially in association with diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis. Titers often decrease with successful treatment. The antibodies may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Deposition of DNA-anti-DNA immune complexes in the kidney and other tissues is thought to be responsible for clinical manifestations of SLE. METHOD DESCRIPTION: An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the quantitative determination of IgG antibodies to double stranded DNA (dsDNA, native DNA) in human serum. The kit is manufactured by Helix Diagnostics. Plasmid dsDNA is strongly bound to microtiter wells. The DNA retains its antigenicity, and remains double stranded. Antibodies to dsDNA, if present, bind to the wells. Washing removes the unbound serum antibodies. Bound antibodies are then detected with Peroxidase (HRP) Anti-Human IgG. Washing removes the unbound HRP. The Color Development Solution in the presence of HRP and the Stopping Solution produces a yellow color which indicates a positive Anti-dsDNA Test. The quantity of anti-dsDNA in a patient sample is directly related to the Optical Density (OD) readings at 450nm. Results are reported in U/ml. All specimens are tested according to the manufacturer's protocol, which uses a "low" salt concentration. Specimens giving a positive result is retested using a "high" salt buffer incubation. This step removes the low avidity antibodies. The fluorescent autoantibody test using Crithidia luciliae substrate is an indirect immunofluorescent procedure to detect the presence of anti-DNA in sera. Crithidia luciliae, a hemoflagellate that is non-pathogenic in man, possesses a giant mitochondrion, the kinetoplast. The only form of DNA present in the kinetoplast is nDNA (double stranded DNA), which is concentrated in a single large network. A dilution of patient serum is applied to the Crithidia luciliae substrate and incubated. Any anti-DNA present in the serum dilution binds to the kinetoplast nDNA. Excess unbound serum is washed away. Fluorescein dye conjugated with anti-human gammaglobulin is then applied. The fluorescein conjugate will bind to any patient anti- DNA that is already bound to the substrate. The substrate is incubated, then washed and counterstained. The presence of anti-DNA in the patient serum will be indicated by the presence of fluorescence of the kinetoplast. The test is negative if no fluorescence is associated with the kinetoplast. REFERENCE RANGE: Anti-DNA Binding: Crithidia screen: Negative: 15 U/mL Borderline positive: 15-30 U/mL Low Positive: 30-60 U/mL Positive: 60-200 U/mL Strongly Positive: >200 U/mL


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המממ..יש לי משהו דומה..אבל..

בדיקת הדם היחידה שחרגה קצת מהנורמה בתקופה האחרונה היא c3 דווקא ובכיוון ההפוך..כלומר גבוה 185-180 בשתי בדיקות שונות(כשכל השנים זה היה במרכז הנורמה האם גם לך עשו את הבדיקה..יש לך תשובה לזה במקרה?