זה מה שרשום בקישורים באתר שלו
דווקא המייל שקיבלתי היה באנגלית הנה: Hi there! My name is Gonzalo, im from Peru I was visiting your very nice site http://imbruglia.netfirms.com and was wondering if we could link our sites. I have a spanish Natalie Fan Site. here are my facts: Title : Imbruglia Web Url: http://www.imbrugliaweb.da.ru I have already put your site on my links, check it out here: http://www.geocites.com/imbrugliaweb/linksnat.html it's in the bottom. If you have a banner or a button it would be better. Well that's it, i hope i can be on your links, too Byess