היי -- אתרים אלה מקפידים שאין שיר אחד ששוחרר בהם. והם הכל lossess -- אסור לדבר על mp3 האהוב אל הישראלים. http://www.digitalboots.net/ -- Bootleg links http://www.dimeadozen.org/ - The best of all - if it doesn't let you register, keep trying every few hours as they limit the number of users http://www.thetradersden.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12 - The other best bootleg site http://www.bootcity.org/ http://www.pinkrobert.net/browse.php - This collector from Serbia has a huge collection http://zombtracker.the-zomb.com/browse-a.php - A good relatively new site http://www.longliverock.org/downloads/torrents-browse.php - The Who bootlegs only! Pete Townshend himself ok'd this site http://www.yeeshkul.com/forum/index.php - Pink Floyd only and amazing. Great dvd's and cd's http://www.jpgrmusic.com/forum/index.php - John Paul George Ringo -- Beatles and related bootlegs http://www.hungercity.org/browse.php http://www.jamtothis.com/torrents.php זהו רשימה שלי.. תהנו!