בחן את עצמך

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בחן את עצמך

אז, איזה הומו מפורסם אתה?


New member
Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt! Nice to see you. A Roosevelt yourself, you married your fifth cousin Franklin; despite the obvious incestuous overtones, your six kids were happy and healthy. When Franklin got elected, you became perhaps the most controversial first lady ever - you spoke out for the rights of women; for the rights of the poor; for world peace. You were even a member of a union while your husband was in office - and when he died, you were the head of the UN Commission on Human Rights. All of which is pretty kick ass, but to top things off you had a hot and steamy relationship with the lesbian journalist Lorena Hickok, who was so madly in love with you that she halted her career for you. Unfortunately, you couldn´t give up your public life that easily - leaving her heartbroken. Bitch.
mai (מה, שוב לא גילו לי שאני לסבית???


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אני קיבלתי את אלכסנדר

How spiffing! You´re Alexander the Great! Yeah, baby. You were the King of Macedonia, and conqueror of much of the world; you´re responsible for the spread of Christianity, as well as Hellenistic society and even the Roman Empire. Your power was feared for thousands of miles around. And how gay were you. When you´d conquered Persia, you fell in love with a male courtier from that court - scandalous in those days, because the Persians were believed to be uncivilised barbarians. You were always really in love with your boyhood friend, Hephaestion, and when he died you were grief-stricken to a legendary degree: convinced that he would live on after death, you passed away soon afterwards. נו טוב תמיד רציתי לכבוש לבבות אז ארצות זו גם התחלה

עודד א

New member
אמא שלי הייתה מאושרת...

How spiffing! You´re Alexander the Great ! Yeah, baby. You were the King of Macedonia, and conqueror of much of the world; you´re responsible for the spread of Christianity, as well as Hellenistic society and even the Roman Empire. Your power was feared for thousands of miles around. And how gay were you. When you´d conquered Persia, you fell in love with a male courtier from that court - scandalous in those days, because the Persians were believed to be uncivilised barbarians. You were always really in love with your boyhood friend, Hephaestion, and when he died you were grief-stricken to a legendary degree: convinced that he would live on after death, you passed away soon afterwards.


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אחותי, איזה הצטרפות מקרים...

גם לי... אני? שבקושי את האייליינר מצליח לעשות ישר שלא ייכנס לעין?