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Businesses requesting proof of vaccination with an identification document are breaking federal law:
Is every business subject to PIPEDA?
PIPEDA applies to private enterprises across Canada, except in provinces that have adopted substantially similar privacy legislation, namely Québec, British Columbia, and Alberta.
Some provinces fall into this category with respect to personal health information held by health information custodians under health sector privacy laws in those provinces.
However, even in those provinces with substantially similar legislation, and elsewhere in Canada, PIPEDA continues to apply to personal information collected, used or disclosed by all federally regulated organizations such as radio and television stations, airports and airlines, railways and telecommunication companies.
PIPEDA also applies to all personal data that flows across provincial or national borders, in the course of commercial transactions involving organizations subject to the Act or to substantially similar legislation.
Tip: Determining whether an enterprise is subject to PIPEDA can be complicated. For more information, see our Summary of privacy laws in Canada, or to use our online tool: What Organization to Contact if You Have a Privacy Issue.
What is personal information?
PIPEDA protects information about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes your:
Name, race, ethnic origin, religion, marital status, educational level;
E-mail address and messages, IP (Internet protocol) address;
Age, height, weight, medical records, blood type, DNA code, fingerprints, voiceprint;
Income, purchases, spending habits, banking information, credit/debit card data, loan or credit reports, tax returns;
Social Insurance Number (SIN) or other identification numbers.
As you can see, your medical records (proof of vaccination is a medical record) and your identity are protected under PIPEDA. Demanding it from you as a condition for providing you service is illegal. No business may ask this information from you without your consent and this is a federal law.
Know your rights!
Businesses requesting proof of vaccination with an identification document are breaking federal law:
Businesses and your personal information - Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Businesses covered, PIPEDA law, privacy principles
Is every business subject to PIPEDA?
PIPEDA applies to private enterprises across Canada, except in provinces that have adopted substantially similar privacy legislation, namely Québec, British Columbia, and Alberta.
Some provinces fall into this category with respect to personal health information held by health information custodians under health sector privacy laws in those provinces.
However, even in those provinces with substantially similar legislation, and elsewhere in Canada, PIPEDA continues to apply to personal information collected, used or disclosed by all federally regulated organizations such as radio and television stations, airports and airlines, railways and telecommunication companies.
PIPEDA also applies to all personal data that flows across provincial or national borders, in the course of commercial transactions involving organizations subject to the Act or to substantially similar legislation.
Tip: Determining whether an enterprise is subject to PIPEDA can be complicated. For more information, see our Summary of privacy laws in Canada, or to use our online tool: What Organization to Contact if You Have a Privacy Issue.
What is personal information?
PIPEDA protects information about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes your:
Name, race, ethnic origin, religion, marital status, educational level;
E-mail address and messages, IP (Internet protocol) address;
Age, height, weight, medical records, blood type, DNA code, fingerprints, voiceprint;
Income, purchases, spending habits, banking information, credit/debit card data, loan or credit reports, tax returns;
Social Insurance Number (SIN) or other identification numbers.
As you can see, your medical records (proof of vaccination is a medical record) and your identity are protected under PIPEDA. Demanding it from you as a condition for providing you service is illegal. No business may ask this information from you without your consent and this is a federal law.
Know your rights!