בריחה קלה של שתן


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בריחה קלה של שתן

שלום רב אני בהריון בשבוע 30 והתחילה לי בריחת שתן קלה קלה כשאני משתעלת או עושה אפצ'י . האם זה משהו טבעי להריון ואח"כ חולף או שאם זה התחיל זה רק יחמיר ? תודה


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Stress incontinance

Hi the Americal Collage of OBGYN reports that some women will have some incontinance when pregnant, and that it will resolve on its own. stress incontinance is the most common type of incontinance it can happen with laughing, caughing, or even other impact activities that increase your abdominal pressure Pelvic Support Problems can lead to incontinance when the pelvic organs, which are held in place by supportive tissues and muscles are weakned. Support problems occur when these tissues are stretched or weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, and aging. Finally, a little leakage is normal and will self resolve, but more than a small amount is not a good sign and you should do your keagals (spelling?) religiously HAve a good one Ami