No Hebrew on this computer - so I'll write in English. It is best if Gilad Naor, who put his heart and soul and much of his free time into the book, answered this. However, he is now having the time of his life in Japan. As I am somewhat affiliated with this publication, I will write a few words. I believe I speak also on his behalf, but he may correct me if he likes. Putting the book into print was no easy task. Collecting the models and articles, by the way, was the easy part. Once the book was announced, the models rushed in. Articles also flowed in. So, content was the easy task. Much work, however, had to be done still. We decided that the book should be bilingual - both in English and Hebrew, for our friends abroad. This book is, after all, a statement about Israeli Origami. A great deal of translation had to be done, mostly singlehandedly by Gilad. This part also brought on the birth of an official English-Hebrew origami dictionary, compiled on one long night with Gilad, Paul, Miri, and myself. This dictionary was (and is) later refined by other IOC members. The models' diagrams had to be arranged in a way to fit the book's format. Gilad had hand-scanned all the diagrams, polished them, and arranged them to the right format. There were a few delays with the book, due to various reasons, but it finally came out. I am very excited that this book comes out. For many Israelis, it is their first `official' publication. I hope that this really is only "volume 1", in that that there will also be a "volume 2" of this book! I am sure our contributors will have much more to contribute.