גברים - חובה לקרוא!!


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גברים - חובה לקרוא!!

The real simple truth is, American men want the "girl who married dear old dad!" However, you would have to be able to gain access to H.G. Wells time machine and head back in time about 40 years or so, cause you just ain’t going to find ladies like that around anymore! Today’s American woman is more closely related to the militant, man-eating femmi-nazi described by Rush Limbaugh, than the apple pie gal that married dad. American women see American men as a simple means of procreation and support. How often have we heard the term used by our homegrown variety bachelorette, “you aren’t getting any tonight!” (<~~ referring to some form of sexual gratuity). Unfortunately, this ploy works all too often on our American men, as most have become a generation of wimps, allowing Dr. Spock and the rest of the feel-good crowd to neuter them! Just why it works I’ll never know, as most our gals here at home, lie like a dead fish, toss out a couple of moans and think they have put forth their all! When is the last time any of you have hit the couch after a hard days work, and asked your gal to make something to eat? More likely than not, the response will be, “got a broken arm? Make it your own damn self!” It has become a domestic crime to expect a woman to cook in the kitchen or clean the house. And they have established a form of solidarity in their contemporary twisted sisterhood, which promotes the brainwashing of ALL American women to follow this discipline! A gentleman who responded to an earlier post said it right: “American women aspire to be men more than men do!” With this penis envy approach to courtship, is it any wonder that American men are not turned off? Lastly, our garden-variety gal, has an overdeveloped sense of self! How often have we seen some chubby, cellulite plagued gal berating a guy because he may be a little overweight or thinning on top? This balloon Betty truly believes that she should hold out for Brad Pitt! It’s as though when she looks in Snow White’s mirror, she sees a princess, rather than a warthog! The simple truth is, this no-free trip to Hollywood debutante should be worshipping the ground the gentleman walk on, as opposed to speaking in a negative connotation of them. Now let’s turn to the Ukraine or Russia for that matter. There you have the ladies, just like the girl that married dear old dad, however, conveniently for our men folk here in the States, looks and a shape to make the Bond women envious by comparison! No need for a time machine here! These lovelies believe in strong family ties and honoring their husbands! They do not feel it submissive to cook for the family, have children, and maintain an antiseptic household (without the aide of a weekend housekeeper as a handicap)! On the contrary, they are aware that this very important contribution allows for a stronger family bond and unity, allowing the man who traditionally is the bread winner, to be a better provider! It is a win – win situation! And the love making (whooooa!), let me just say that there is no need to maintain a bottle of Excedrin around the household for headaches with a Ukrainian lady in the house! My advise to all the available, and most eligible bachelors out there, quit wasting your time being kicked in the teeth by our bitter, spiteful and conniving American women! Turn to these ladies from the East who can compliment your life in a positive way, allowing for the development of sound, strong families! Eventually, our man-eaters here in the states will get the hint, as they remain manless, and will have no alternative but to catch the wave!! ;o) Then, the family structure will be once again in order!