דוגמא לתזכורת פידבק


New member
דוגמא לתזכורת פידבק

It has been a month since you got your fuckuing item and you haven't left a feedback!! You are probably an anti-Semitic, you don't want to leave a feeback only cuz I'm a jewess!! Shame on you!! You are probably a Holocaust denier either!!! You have 12 hours to leave a feedback you idiot before I'm sending the Mosad to your house!! Sivan.


New member

חוץ מכמה שגיאות כתיב, תחביר, ניסוח ומשמעות את בכיוון הנכון


New member
תזכורת שניה

Listen you moron, Told you not to mess with me! Your wife and daughter are here, if you want to hear from them again, you better leave a feedback!! The next item that I will mail you will be their fingers!!!


New member
אוי הטמטום

זה כבר באמת מוגזם?? ואני שואלת שוב - את אמיתית??