דרושות נשים למחקר


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דרושות נשים למחקר

למחקר בנושא "תהליכי ריפוי באמצעות יחסי-שליטה" (יחסי אדון-שפחה או מלכה-שפחה) דרושות נשים ללא ניסיון כלל או נשים שנמצאות ביחסי שליטה ומוכנות לדווח באופן רציף על תחושות של ריפוי מתוך היחסים. אנו מתחייבים לשמור על פרטיותכן. צרי קשר במייל [email protected] . השאלון הוא אנונימי.


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רצוי לתת קצת יותר פרטים על המחקר

רצוי לפרט קצת יותר על המחקר שלך, על עורכי המחקר ועל המסגרת שבה הוא נערך וגם על כיצד תשמרו על פרטיות הפונות.

הנה דוגמה לפניה לאיתור משתתפים/ות במחקר שלדעתי עושה זאת בצורה טובה יותר:
Hi, my name is Evelyn and I am a graduate student at Northern
Illinois University, located in DeKalb, Illinois. It may be that
you've seen my posts that have been listed on a number of sites over
the past months. I've been collecting data for a study looking at
BDSM relationships and abuse. Most popular BDSM authors such as
Baldwin (Ties that Bind), Bannon (Learning the Ropes), Brame, Brame
& Jacobs (Different Loving), Miller & Devon (Screw the Roses, Send
me the Thorns), and Wiseman (SM 101) take great effort to discuss
abuse and to point out the differences between BDSM involvement and
abusive behavior.

Current research tells us that abuse is
widespread in America, across all demographics and anecdotal
evidence suggests that abuse sometimes occurs in BDSM
relationships. Yet, I was unable to locate a single scientific
study that has looked at this issue within the context of BDSM. The
study you are being asked to consider participating in is an
exploratory effort to begin filling in this gap in the academic

My goal is to scientifically study this topic in the
specific context of BDSM practitioners in order to increase
understanding and information about the dynamics of BDSM and its
participants. It is not my hypothesis that BDSM = abuse.
In order to complete this study, I need 8 more volunteers who are
willing to participate in a two hour long, face-to-face session.

Forty-eight people have already come forward (a huge thanks to
those). These last few participants need to meet the criteria of
having been involved in a previously abusive BDSM relationship.
The session will consist of the completion of a number of
standardized abuse measurements, as well as an interview.

The data collections and interviews will be conducted in private with people individually. I am willing to travel in order to meet with those
who are willing to participate in this study, with some restrictions
(e.g., more than 1 participant at a locale if the travel is more
than an hour away). To date, I have been collecting data in the
suburbs, northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin, and Minnesota.
It is completely understandable that an individual who has been
involved in an abusive relationship may be reluctant to dredge up
the past, verbalize the harm, or be willing to share painful
experiences. With deep respect, I do urge you to please share your
time and experience in order to advance this study. It is my strong
belief that your voice needs to be heard. Please consider helping
me out with this study.

Sexual orientation, BDSM orientation (top/bottom, D/s, Switch, M/s),
age, gender, lifestyle choice, monogamous/polyamorous, etc. does not
matter. The only criterion is that the individual had been
previously involved in an abusive BDSM relationship at some point.
In no way will your participation in this study be traceable back to
your interest in BDSM. Your privacy and confidentiality rights are
of grave concern and will be protected fully. Appointments will be
arranged so that no one is waiting while another is being
interviewed, in order to eliminate the risk of being observed coming
in or out of the interview.

I am more than willing to answer any questions and/or provide more
information, so please feel free to contact me at
[email protected]">[email protected]
847-995-8803. My NIU advisor is Dr. Brad Sagarin, who can be reached
[email protected]">[email protected]
815-753-7067. Questions about participant
rights can be addressed through the NIU Office of Research
Compliance, which can be contacted at 815-753-8588.
