הודעה רשמית: Goof נמצא בחנויות!

הודעה רשמית: Goof נמצא בחנויות!

שלום לכולם.

ספר האוסף של Goof נמצא כרגע בחנויות: קומיקאזה וקומיקס וירקות!

יש בו את ארבעת הגליונות הראשונים של Goof וכמה עמודי קונספט ארט מקוריים.

Goof הוא קומדיה מטורפת. הנה כמה מהביקורות שקיבלנו:

“I’m a huge fan of this book!” “It’s just very funny!” – Nerdlocker
"Goof has all the right pieces to be a great story. I’m hooked!" - Chicks Love Geeks
“THE ART!!! Awesome! Like Freakazoid, Animaniacs Pinky and The Brain great.” “READ THIS COMIC.” - The Pop Culture Cafe
“Goof is all about the funny. […] The story and art do not disappoint.” “Goof is an excellent example of how independent comics can provide the same enjoyment that readers get from major publishers coupled with the freedom that most major series lack.” - ComixBrew
“A light, refreshing break from the usual comics seriousness.” “Full of moments that will genuinely make you laugh out loud.” - Two Shots to the Head
“"Killer dialogue.” “Really cool and unique art.” “The erection jokes are pretty darn hilarious. This book is definitely worth its cover price just for the lols.” - Adventures in Poor Taste
“From the first moment you meet Captain Gorgeous you will have a permanent smile on your face to the very end.” - Geeks with Wives
“Very funny stuff.” - Comicbooked
“Loaded with all of the laughs you can cram into 24 pages.” - Bag & Bored

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