לא בדיוק
דני ידידי, א. אכן מדובר בשיעול על מנת לטפל בהפרעת קצב, זו שעלולה לגרום לדום לב בסיכומו של דבר. ב. יש בעיה כלשהיא בשימוש בשיעול במקרה של דום לב - אני חושש שבמקרה כזה האדם לא יהיה מסוגל להשתעל... ג. ע"פ ה - Resuscitation Council (UK) j - מאפריל 2002 לא נמצאו כל הוכחות לטובת השימוש בשיטה זו - קרא את המאמר בכתובת - http://www.resus.org.uk/pages/coughCPR.htm "The BLS/AED Subcommittee knows of no evidence that, even if a lone patient knew that cardiac arrest had occurred, he or she would be able to maintain sufficient circulation to allow activity, let alone driving to the hospital. " ד. לגבי האימייל שהביא התרמילאי: "This message is very dangerous. It gives the impression that the technique was endorsed by Rochester General Hospital and Mended Hearts, a heart attack victims´ support group. Although the text was originally published in a Mended Hearts newsletter, the organization has since retracted it " שימו לב להודעה שפורסמה ע"י mended hearts - בכתובת http://www.mendedhearts.org/heartattack_article.html ""How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone" was initially published in a local chapter newsletter, without first verifying a medical source. The American Heart Association does not endorse the coughing procedure, and does not teach this as part of the core curriculum in any course. This procedure has been used in a medical setting (not related to heart attacks) with physicians available to diagnose the specific problem, and to instruct the patient how to cough. Therefore, it is not a recommended procedure for the general public. We encourage the public to call 911 in the event of an emergency. Rochester General had no part in the creation or dissemination " ה. לגבי הכתבה שפורסמה ב-circulation - "It appears that "cough CPR" may be a real procedure occasionally used in emergency situations under professional supervision. But it is not taught in standard CPR courses, nor is it typically recommended as a "life-saving" measure for people who experience a heart attack when alone. Also, in certain instances where a patient has abnormal heart rhythms, coughing can help restore them to normal. But most heart attacks are not of this type. In this case, a basic core truth was apparently misunderstood and misrepresented. " Mended Hearts assoc´ ו. בכל מקרה, לגבי הכתבה הספציפית ב-circulation אביא סימוכין טיפה מאוחר יותר כשאמצא את הסימוכין הספציפיים, כך שזהו בינתיים. שבוע טוב, עמית.