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נשיקה צרפתית - מקורה בכלל ברומא. הרומאים אסרו על נשותיהן לשתות אלכוהול, משום שנחשב לאפרודיזיאק (מעורר חשק) והם העדיפו לשתות אותו בעצמם. תוך כדי הנשיקה יכלו לטעום את לשונה של הרעיה ולודא שאכן לא שתתה...


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הידעת 2../images/Emo35.gif../images/Emo70.gif

מקור המילה FUCK הוא בראשי התבות Fornication Under Consent of the King. ההסברים:
Did you know? . . . In ancient England single people could not have sex unless they had consent of the king. When people wanted to have a baby, they had to get the consent of the king, and the king gave them a placard that they hung on their door while they were having sex. The placard had F. U. C. K. (Fornication Under Consent of the King) on it. Hence that´s where the word Fuck came from. Now, aren´t you glad you learned something new today? In Christianized Anglo-Saxon Britain, invading kings would require that their troops would rape the women in a common demoralization procedure. Because fornication was against religious law, the rapists needed special religious permission, from the king.​
כמובן שזה בולשיט אבל ח"ח לממציאים.