NEOGEO זה כן 16-BIT
Processors: Motorola 68000 (12Mhz, 16-bit), Z80 (Zilog-80a 4Mhz, 8-bit) Resolution: 304x224 Color Palette: 65,536 Maximum colors on-screen: 4,096 Maximum sprites on-screen: 380 Minimum sprite size: 1x2 Maximum sprite size: 16x512 Maximum amount of game planes: 3 Sound Channels: 4-FM synthesis, 7-Digital Internal, 3-PSG, 1 noise channel RAM: Internal RAM: 64kb, Video RAM: 68kb, Z80 RAM: 2kb Memory Card: 8kb or *68-pin JEIDA ver.3 spec memory *Any 68-pin memory that fits the JEIDA ver.3 spec will work נלקח מתוך