החוק לגבי קריאת אלמנט על שם מתעמל או מתעמלת
טוב - צריך לבצע את האלמנט או באליפות עולם או באולימפיאדה - באליפות יבשתית זה לא תופש. גם - כפי שנועה אמרה צריך להגיש את הלמנט ל FIG לפני התחרות יחד עם תרשימים ווידאו - ככה הם יכולים לתת לו דרגת קושי. 5.6 Recognition of New Vaults and Elements The coaches and gymnasts are encouraged to submit new vaults and elements that have not yet been performed and/or do not yet appear in the Table of Elements to the WTC by electronic mail, facsimile or post at any time during the year. – In principle, only those elements which have been performed will appear in the Code of Points. – In order to be recognized as a new element, the element must be successfully performed (without a fall) for the first time at an FIG Official Competition: World Championships Olympic Games – No element will be named if there is more than one gymnast who has performed it for the first time. The element must be minimum “C” difficulty. – The new elements must be presented no later than the day and hour, as stipulated in the Work Plan. The request for evaluation must be accompanied with technical drawings and figures, as well as with a DVD. – The FIG/WTC will evaluate concerning: Difficulty Value of new vaults (vault group and number) Difficulty Value of new elements – The evaluation may be different in comparison to the value received at competitions other than Official FIG Competitions. – The decision will then be communicated as soon as possible in writing to the Concerned federation and Judges at the Judges’ Review Session (Instruction) or Judges’ Briefing before the respective competition. – New vaults and elements may be submitted at all other International Competitions to the technical director and/or FIG Technical Representative. The evaluation and decision takes place in the technical discussions prior to the respective competition. The decisions have validity only at that respective competition; however these should be forwarded by the technical delegate to the President of the WTC for review by the WTC at the next subsequent meeting of the WTC. Such new elements, etc. will appear for the first time in the Code Update, only when they have been submitted, confirmed and also performed at an Official FIG Competition.