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למי כאן יש את המשחק של תיקים? אתם עדיין משחקים בו? עוד מעט אמור לצאת משחק שני שיקראו לו The X-Files: Resist or Serve היה ראיון עם ג'יליאן ודיויד בקשר למשחק הזה הנה הוא: In terms of how far the technology has come, what was it like to work on Resist or Serve in comparison to making the first X-Files PC and PlayStation game that was released a few years back? Gillian Anderson: Well, for the original game, we shot live-action footage, but there wasn’t any realistic-looking animation. David Duchovny: This time around, they did 3-D scans of our faces as we performed the dialogue. What do you think of your 3-D virtual representation in the game? DD: It’s a trip. GA: They did a great job. Sometimes you see women objectified in video games; it was nice to see that wasn’t the case here. What do you think of video games as a new way to expand TV and movie franchises — in this case, one that has been finished on TV? GA: There’s the potential to do a lot with it. DD: Well, the X-Files TV show and feature film were story-driven. So if your video game is story-driven, then it works. In general, what do you think of the opportunities that video games provide to actors, as a new medium of expression? DD: It’s a little different because the technology comes into play. It’s like another step in getting across to the audience. GA: I think as the technology for video games get better and better, more actors will cross over from other mediums. How did it feel to step back into the roles of Scully and Mulder after wrapping the TV series last year? GA: Well, I played Scully for nine years, so getting back into it wasn’t difficult. DD: It’s like riding a bike, pretty much. How did performing the voice work for this game compare to the scripts with which you worked on the show? DD: The script was written by Tom Schnauz, who also wrote for the show. GA: It’s pretty much a classic X-Files story. Would you work on future games to allow Mulder and Scully’s huge fan base to continue to partake in their adventures? GA: If they can maintain this level of quality, sure. DD: Only if the writing is there. — CSM


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קנסר מן, אם כבר אז נזכרתי שהמשחק שיש לך של תיקים באפלה הוא שלי!!! כשאת באה לאח שלך ואני אבוא לבקר אותך תביאי איתך את המשחק...


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ואפילו מקורי!! שיחקתי בו לפני כמה שנים, הגעתי לדיסק שלישי אם אני זוכר נכון. אבל הייתי צריך לפרמט את המחשב, ולא היה לי כוח לחזור לזה אף פעם.... ד"א, יש סיסמא ללפטופ של סקאלי?