olsen cool
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הנה הראיון. עכשיו אני יודעת שאתמול נוספו עוד שאלות ושהיו עוד מלא שאלות שלא הכנסתי אבל אי אפשר להכניס את הכל,גם ככה הכנסנו יותר מידי ולכן אני מצטערת מראש אם מישהו ציפה שהשאלה שלו תכנס. השתדלתי שכל שאלות חברי הפורום הקבועים יכנסו,שאלות נוספות שהיו מעניינות הכנסתי גם,לכל גולש ישנה שאלה אחת בלבד,חוץ מזה שהיו מלא שאלות שחזרו על עצמן מספר פעמים. לחלק מהשאלות שיניתי קצת את הניסוח כדי שישמעו טוב יותר. אה ותודה לקרן(הירח מאיד תמיד)על העזרה
הנה הראיון. עכשיו אני יודעת שאתמול נוספו עוד שאלות ושהיו עוד מלא שאלות שלא הכנסתי אבל אי אפשר להכניס את הכל,גם ככה הכנסנו יותר מידי ולכן אני מצטערת מראש אם מישהו ציפה שהשאלה שלו תכנס. השתדלתי שכל שאלות חברי הפורום הקבועים יכנסו,שאלות נוספות שהיו מעניינות הכנסתי גם,לכל גולש ישנה שאלה אחת בלבד,חוץ מזה שהיו מלא שאלות שחזרו על עצמן מספר פעמים. לחלק מהשאלות שיניתי קצת את הניסוח כדי שישמעו טוב יותר. אה ותודה לקרן(הירח מאיד תמיד)על העזרה
1. In an interview with Harper´s Bazaar in 2005, you, Ashley, stated that you´ve "never been a brunette. I feel that if I went dark, it just wouldn´t be me. I would do it for a role, however". Have you changed your mind about it, or is it for a movie?(Gili,20,Israel-Tel Aviv) 2.I know that you had a magazine in 2001.Will you create something like that again in the future?(Or,14,Israel) 3.From movies,videos, TV to clothes,what are the things you´ve done that you had the most fun doing them? (Oshrat,24,Israel) 4.Are you only into old music? What other kinds of music do you like?(Shir,16,Israel) 5. Do you remember yourself as playing Michelle in "Full house"? What is the best memory you have from this particular time(Keren,16,Canada)? 6. Are you still in touch with the cast of Full House? (Sahar,17,Israel) 7.What´s coming up next for you? What are your plans for the future?(Mor,15,Israel-Tel Aviv) 8.You had a fashion line for 6 years(since you were 14). Will you add a sports clothes(shoes,hats) for teenage girls as well?(My Question-Efrat,16,Israel-Haifa). 9.Nowadays the media presents you as "Mary-Kate" or "Ashley",but before what was it like to always be known as Olsen Twins,was it annoying sometimes?(Shira,13,Israel) 10.Are you planning on back to acting(Movies,TV)anytime soon?(Yossi,18,Israel) 11. What is your favourite desinger /brand-name? (Yanna,16,Israel) 12. What is your inspiration for clothes, make up and hairdresser? Do you have any stylists?(Orin,14,Israel-Haifa) 13.How was it, for you girls, to be famous and to go to school at the same time? Were you always treated like other students?(Haim,15,Israel-Tel Aviv) 14.Are you girls over with making "Twin-Movies"?(Hadar,14,Israel) 15.Now after you´ve grown up, don´t you feel like you missed your childhood? (Mor.B,15,Israel-Rishon LeZion ) 16.Do you also have different tastes in your styles like in your personalities?(May,14,Israel) 17. Is there a character you feel more close to her, that you identified with her more than other characters you have played? (Dana.L,15,Israel) 18.My name is Tal,as you can see I live in Israel and i´ve watched you for the first time on screen in "Full House".Even today I watch the reruns and know the episodes by heart. Is there a chance for a reunion? (Tal,15,Israel-Jerusalem) 19.When you have a spare time? what do you like to do then? (Dana.C,16,Israel) 20. How did your experience in acting ,while you were in very young age, expressed in your adult life?( Julia,18,Israel) 21.You have been acting since you were babies in lots of different projects,do you keep staying in touch with the people you have worked with?(Aviya,16,Israel) Here is the most important questions that we want them to answer(The first 2 are wanted questions by the fans): 22.Is there any chance that the brand will come back to Israel like in 2003? 23.Would you(Mary-Kate&Ashley)support your Brand in Israel and consider a short visit if the Israeli media gives you the right push and comfortable conditions for it? 24.is there any message you would like to tell your Israeli fans? The second part: Little Quizzes for the girls(We would like each one of them to answer). What do you prefer.. 1.Summer or Winter? 2.Red carpet or Home with family? 3.Shopping in NY or LA? 4.Coffee or Tea? 5.Black or White? 2.If you could bring back to life one TV show, which one of the following would it be? why? *So Little Time *Two Of A Kind *Full House *Mary-Kate&Ashley In Action 3.What do the following words remind you? 1.Love 2.Fashion 3.Star 4.Traveling 5.Music
הראיון ישלח היום בצהריים,אם יש למישהו שאלה נוספת שהוא חושב שכדאי להכניס אז זאת ההזדמנות האחרונה כי בצהריים זה נשלח.