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חובה להתחיל את שיעורי בספינינג בסיבובי כתפיים לאחור. גיא REFERENCES 1. BURKE, E.R. High-Tech Cycling. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1996. 2. BURKE, E.R. Serious Cycling. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2002. 3. BURNETT, A.F., M.W. CORNELIUS, W. DANKAERTS, AND B.P. O’SULLIVAN. For further reading very interesting and useful for 1. Spinal kinematics and trunk muscle activity in cyclists: A comparison 2. Freil,joe The cyclists Bible 3rd edition Boulder,velopress 2003 3. Wharton Richard. Watts per kilogram: using the comp trainer indoor ergo meter to improve performance 4. Articles: Coggan Andrew R. training and racing using a powermeter: an introduction 5. Between healthy controls and non-specific chronic low back pain subjects—A pilot investigation. Manual Ther. 9:211–219. 2004.FARIA, E.W., D.L. PARKER, AND I.E. FARIA. The science of cycling: Physiology and training—Part 1. Sports Med. 35:285–312. 2005. 6. FARIA, I.E. Energy expenditure, aerodynamics and medical problems in cycling. An update. Sports Med. 14:43–63. 1992. 7. 6. HOLMES, J.C., A.L. PRUITT, AND N.J. WHALEN. Lower extremity overuse in bicycling. Clin. Sports Med. 13:187–205. 1994. 8. 7. JACKSON, K.M. Fitting of mathematical functions to biomechanical data.IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 26:122–124. 1979.8. JUKER, D., S. MCGILL, P. KROPF, AND T. STEFFEN. Quantitative intramuscular myoelectric activity of lumbar portions of psoas and the abdominal wall during a wide variety of tasks. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 30:301–310. 1998. 9. 9. KIBLER, W.B., J. PRESS, AND A. SCIASCIA. The role of core stability in athletic function. Sports Med. 36:189–198. 2006. 10. MELLION, M.B. Neck and back pain in bicycling. Clin. Sports Med. 13:137–164. 1994. 11. 11. NADLER, S.F., G.A. MALANGA, L.A. BARTOLI, J.H. FEINBERG, M. PRYBICIEN,AND M. DEPRINCE. Hip muscle imbalance and low back pain in athletes: Influence of core strengthening. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34:9–16. 2002. 12. PATTERSON, R.P., AND M.I. MORENO. Bicycle pedaling forces as a functionof pedaling rate and power output. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:512–516.1990. 13. 13. REDFIELD, R., AND M.L. HULL. On the relation between joint moments and pedaling rates at constant power in bicycling. J. Biomech. 19:317–329. 1986. 14. SANDERSON, D.J., AND A. BLACK. The effect of prolonged cycling on pedalforces. J. Sports Sci. 21:191–199. 2003. 15. SARRE, G., R. LEPERS, AND J. VAN HOECKE. Stability of pedaling mechanics during a prolonged cycling exercise performed at different cadences.J. Sports Sc
חובה להתחיל את שיעורי בספינינג בסיבובי כתפיים לאחור. גיא REFERENCES 1. BURKE, E.R. High-Tech Cycling. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1996. 2. BURKE, E.R. Serious Cycling. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2002. 3. BURNETT, A.F., M.W. CORNELIUS, W. DANKAERTS, AND B.P. O’SULLIVAN. For further reading very interesting and useful for 1. Spinal kinematics and trunk muscle activity in cyclists: A comparison 2. Freil,joe The cyclists Bible 3rd edition Boulder,velopress 2003 3. Wharton Richard. Watts per kilogram: using the comp trainer indoor ergo meter to improve performance 4. Articles: Coggan Andrew R. training and racing using a powermeter: an introduction 5. Between healthy controls and non-specific chronic low back pain subjects—A pilot investigation. Manual Ther. 9:211–219. 2004.FARIA, E.W., D.L. PARKER, AND I.E. FARIA. The science of cycling: Physiology and training—Part 1. Sports Med. 35:285–312. 2005. 6. FARIA, I.E. Energy expenditure, aerodynamics and medical problems in cycling. An update. Sports Med. 14:43–63. 1992. 7. 6. HOLMES, J.C., A.L. PRUITT, AND N.J. WHALEN. Lower extremity overuse in bicycling. Clin. Sports Med. 13:187–205. 1994. 8. 7. JACKSON, K.M. Fitting of mathematical functions to biomechanical data.IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 26:122–124. 1979.8. JUKER, D., S. MCGILL, P. KROPF, AND T. STEFFEN. Quantitative intramuscular myoelectric activity of lumbar portions of psoas and the abdominal wall during a wide variety of tasks. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 30:301–310. 1998. 9. 9. KIBLER, W.B., J. PRESS, AND A. SCIASCIA. The role of core stability in athletic function. Sports Med. 36:189–198. 2006. 10. MELLION, M.B. Neck and back pain in bicycling. Clin. Sports Med. 13:137–164. 1994. 11. 11. NADLER, S.F., G.A. MALANGA, L.A. BARTOLI, J.H. FEINBERG, M. PRYBICIEN,AND M. DEPRINCE. Hip muscle imbalance and low back pain in athletes: Influence of core strengthening. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34:9–16. 2002. 12. PATTERSON, R.P., AND M.I. MORENO. Bicycle pedaling forces as a functionof pedaling rate and power output. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 22:512–516.1990. 13. 13. REDFIELD, R., AND M.L. HULL. On the relation between joint moments and pedaling rates at constant power in bicycling. J. Biomech. 19:317–329. 1986. 14. SANDERSON, D.J., AND A. BLACK. The effect of prolonged cycling on pedalforces. J. Sports Sci. 21:191–199. 2003. 15. SARRE, G., R. LEPERS, AND J. VAN HOECKE. Stability of pedaling mechanics during a prolonged cycling exercise performed at different cadences.J. Sports Sc