../images/Emo24.gif דנה. ובקשר לגרנר וורטן
זה יהיה בNEWSWEEK הכתבה היא על גרנר על הסרט החדש שלה ותקראו ציטוט על מייקל הקורע מצחוק ואיך הוא גורם לה להסמיק. divorce is public, relationships are not—and the two are never caught cuddling on the set. Still, they're not fooling anyone. Vartan is the troublemaker: between takes, he picks up a cylindrical object from a desk and begins behaving, let's say, adolescently with it. Later, he wags his tongue lasciviously at the camera. Standing beside him, Garner tries not to flinch. "The best way to get him to stop is to say 'action'," she calls out to the director. So there's the secret: she's the good girl, and he makes her blush.