הפרק היומי - יום ראשון


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הפרק היומי - יום ראשון

אני אוהבת את ה'תר אין על רות'י (והנאום שלי,מרטינית לותר קינג קטנה
) כל הכבוד לאנני ולסיום....... גם אני רוצה עוגת פאי. ...אבל של אמא
נ.ב:איזה פרק יפה היה ביום שלישי שעבר "שקרן שקרן" ,אני אלך לקרוא את השרשור בנידון,ועדיין נותרו לי שני פרקים של רביעי חמישי לראות.


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שם הפרק: Here We Go Again תקציר הפרק:
In the fifth season-opener, big changes are afoot in the Camden household this fall as Eric is distressed by the fact that his daughter Mary has opted to postpone college in favor of a little soul searching and the glory of minimum wage. Mary decides to buy a car. Also, Annie leaves Eric with a handful at home so she can complete her teaching degree. Meanwhile, Simon attempts to fit in with the treacherous terrain of high school, and Lucy looks forward to ruling the school as a senior. Lucy can't wait to start a relationship with Andrew Nayloss, except he hasn't come back from summer vacation yet. Meanwhile, Heather and Matt's on-again-off-again relationship threatens to be off-again--- permanently. Matt considers the pre-med track at college and Ruthie learns that she will have to spend another year with her despised third grade teacher, Ms. Riddle​
שחקני אורח:
Andrea Ferrell (as Heather Cain) Jessica Biel (as Mary Camden) Kristoffer Ryan Winters (as Russo) Will Estes (as Andrew Nayloss) Elizabeth Ruscio (as Ms. Riddle) Kyle Sabihy (as Jim) Christopher Michael (as Sergeant Michaels) Michael Canavan (as Steve)​
Annie to Eric: "I've signed up for school today." Eric to Annie: "What school?" Annie to Eric: "College, Crawford. I want to get my teaching credentials in early childhood education." Eric to Annie: "Now? You do know that we have 7 kids now." Annie to Eric: "We have the twins and Ruthie, but Simon starts high school tomorrow, Lucy graduates high school this year, Mary's out of high school and working and Matt is out on his own." Eric to Annie: "Matt is hardly out on his own. He sleeps out on his own. He's still a kid." Annie to Eric: "Oh stop it. He and Heather are practically married." Eric to Annie: "No they're not. That's just what we say to each other whenever we think those two might be shacking up. And Mary is going to college, she's going to go to college eventually-- I hope, as soon as she figures out that she doesn't enjoy minimum wage jobs." Annie to Eric: "Unfortunately, I think Mary is quite happy with her stint in the world of minimum wage." Eric to Annie: "Well I'm not happy with it. With my luck she'll probably decide to go to college when Lucy decides to go and with Matt's we'll have 3 tuitions to pay, oh plus yours. And by the way, who says that Lucy won't have the kind of senior year that Mary had. And Simon is starting high school. Do you remember what it was like when Matt started high school? High school boys are, well they're high school boys. And we shouldn't forget Ruthie, who is well on her way to being more difficult than all the other kids rolled into one. Oh and bonus, the twins are entering the terrible twos. They are not entering, they are there." Annie to Eric: "So what are you saying? That the family is so dangerous that I can't take 1 or 2 hours away from them to take one course?-(Eric sighs) I'm going back to school." Eric to Annie: "When were you going to tell me this, as you were backing out of the driveway tomorrow morning?" Annie to Eric: "No I planned to tell you just when I told you." Eric to Annie: "Well thank you Mrs. Camden." Andrew to Lucy: "We're pregnant... so I'm moving to France."​
"מרטינית לותר קינג קטנה"../images/Emo6.gif../images/Emo29.gif

רות'י הייתה מקסימה היום!!
גאד!איזה מכונית מרי קנתה!!היא ממש עושה שטויות...
וסיימון...הוא מעצבן ולא מעצבן לא יודעת איך להגיד..יש קטעים שהוא מזה דביל
אריק קרע אותי מצחוק היום שהוא התעצבן על מרי..שהוא צעק


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גם אני רוצה אוטו
ומשכורת צבאית שלי היא בטוח יותר מהטיפים שמרי מקבלת+שכר המינמום -למרות שמבחינה מעשית זה יוצא שאני מרויחה שלושה שקלים בשעה
-אז נוסיף את ה"טיפים" של סבתא
ואני שואלת אותכם-נראה לכם באמת שגם עם תשלומים עד הפנסיה,אני אוכל לרשות לעצמי כזה אוטו
N-O-T --- אז הם קצת הגזימו-היה צריכים להביא לה אוטו חיפושית משנת תרמ"פוווווו. ועד כאן פינת ההתבכיינות היומית שלי על זה שנגמר לי המלוה,אך עדין אני "זוכה" לנסיעה היומית עם נהגי אגד-וזה לא תמיד נחמד לראות פרצופים *יותר מדי* מוכרים ....