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ספין סיטי - פול בקן הקוקיה מייק, המשמש כפרקליטו של ראש העיר בעניין גירושיו, מגלה שהוא נמשך ליריבתו. בינתיים, מפיצה העיתונות שפול לקה בהתמוטטות עצבים, והפסיכיאטר שנשכר כדי להזים את השמועה מחליט דווקא לאשפז את פול במחלקה סגורה ---------------------------------------------------

10. Mike: "Carter, I'm gonna need some research on short-term depression" James: (on his date) "Mike, I was really looking forward to this." Mike: (to Carter) "I suggest you start by interviewing James." 9. Carter: "Some of my best friends are heterosexual. Or at least they think they are." 8. Mike: "I met this girl." Dr. Benjamin: "Well, this is a new one..." 7. Mike: "What could Ms. Winston possibly want with The Mayor's cigars? Laurie: "It helps her enjoy The Mayor's cognac." 6. Stuart: "You're on every channel. You're like Lucy." 5. Mike: (to Paul) "Worst case scenario, you can't buy firearms for 2 to 3 years." 4. Laurie: "The first thing I'm going to need is a list of assests." Mike: "Well, I'm witty, well read,..." 3. Carter: "They're just going to ask you a few questions: Who's the President? What day of the week is it? ..." Paul: "Oh God. How long have I been in here?" 2. Laurie: (reading Mike's list) "Ask her where she's from. Find out what she's interested in. Hobbies..." Mike: (taking the list) "These are just my notes from ... when I was a game show host." 1. Laurie: "It's a matter of personal integrity." Mike: "But you're a lawyer
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