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הפרק של היום../images/Emo70.gif../images/Emo13.gif 4.7.04
פרק מספר:11 שם הפרק:כל כלב בא יומו תקציר:מייק מנסה להפיס את דעתו של מפכ''ל המשטרה הממורמר, ומארגן טקס קבורה מכובד לכלב משטרתי אהוב שהלך לעולמו. אלא שבדרך ללוויה, מאבדים פול וקרטר את גופת המנוח ציטוטים נחמדים:
ותתחילו גם אתם לכתוב פה הודעות לא רק לקרוא
פרק מספר:11 שם הפרק:כל כלב בא יומו תקציר:מייק מנסה להפיס את דעתו של מפכ''ל המשטרה הממורמר, ומארגן טקס קבורה מכובד לכלב משטרתי אהוב שהלך לעולמו. אלא שבדרך ללוויה, מאבדים פול וקרטר את גופת המנוח ציטוטים נחמדים:
Mike: "Now, I don't want to hear any excuses." Stuart: "You sure, cause I've been saving the doozy. It starts out as an excuse but I end up blaming James." Mike: "Anybody read this? Bingo died." Karen: "Ohh! Who's Bingo?" Mike: "Only the city's most decorated police dog." Nikki: "Oh, yeah, right. He pulled that drowning kid out of the reservoir." James: "And didn't he sniff out 10 kilos of cocaine at La Guardia?" Mike: "Yeah. Poor little guy didn't sleep for weeks after that." Stuart: "You see, Grasshopper...One must understand the rhythms of the game--(Bruce Lee yell)--in order to truly master it. Eb and flow, Yin and Yang. Are you prepared to do battle?" Janelle: (sarcastically) "No, I want you to talk some more." Stuart: "Begin." (Janelle immediately scores) Janelle: "Yang that." Paul: "You know, I've been allergic to cats all my life, but at the pet morgue, nothing. Turns out I'm not allergic to dead cats." Carter: "Then you should definitely get one." Cab Driver: "I am not a racecar driver." Carter: "No, you're a racist driver." (Answering machine message) Carter: "Mike it's Carter, here's the situation...Ow! Get off!" Paul: "Mike, Paul here. We seem to have run into a slight logistics problem with Bingo." Carter: "Slight logistics problem? Mike, Paul lost the dog!" Paul: "I knew you were gonna blame me!" (phone rings) Mike: "Hello...Paul! This better be good news Paul...You better listen to me Paul. You better find me that damn dog or I'm gonna come over there, duct-tape a fur coat to your ass and shove you in a little box!" Mike: "Now I don't care how you do it. You find me that dog or a damn fine replacement. I want everybody thinking about one thing and one thing only-- B-I-N-G-O! And the first person who says "...and Bingo was his name-o..." is fired!" Stuart: "This isn't a wedding. We can't exactly say Bingo got cold feet." Nikki: "Well, actually..."