הצורה האנושית

The Warrior

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הצורה האנושית

את ספריו של קסטנדה קראתי באנגלית ובגרמנית, חוץ מהספר "אמנות הלחימה" שהשגתי אותו רק בעברית. אני מעדיף תמיד את המקור, ומכיון שקסטנדה כתב באנגלית עבורי תאוריו בשפה זו הינם קולעים יותר. כתבתי הודעה כבר בענין עזיבת בצורה האנושית ורציתי כאן לצטט בענין הצורה האנושית מהי, בכדי שכולנו נזכר :) מתוך "הטבעת השניה של העצמה" (The Second Ring of Power): You must lose your human form. You don't yet know about the human mold and the human form. The human form is a force and the human mold is ... well ... a mold. Everything has a particular mold. Plants have molds, animals have molds, worms have molds. Sorcerers have the avenue of their dreaming to lead them to the mold. The mold of men is definitely an entity, an entity which can be seen by some of us at certain times when we are imbued with power, and by all of us for sure at the moment of our death. The mold is the source, the origin of man, since, without the mold to group together the force of life, there is no way for that force to assemble itself into the shape of man. The human form is a sticky force that makes us the people we are. The human form has no form. It's anything, but in spite of not having form, it possesses us during our lives and doesn't leave us until we die. A warrior must drop the human form in order to change, to really change. Otherwise there is only talk about change. One cannot change one iota as long as one holds on to the human form. A warrior knows that he cannot change, and yet he makes it his business to try to change, even though he knows that he won't be able to. That's the only advantage a warrior has over the average man. The warrior is never disappointed when he fails to change. The only thing that makes you think you are yourself is the form. Once it leaves, you are nothing. A warrior without form begins to see an eye. The formless warrior uses that eye to start dreaming . If you don't have a form, you don't have to go to sleep to do dreaming . The eye in front of you pulls you every time you want to go. Everything has to be sifted through our human form. When we have no form, then nothing has form and yet everything is present. אחזור על המשפט המסכם: "כאשר אין לנו צורה, אז לשום דבר אין צורה - ובכל זאת הכל נוכח." רציתי לחלוק