הצל את הדובים...כולנו יכולים לעזור!


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הצל את הדובים...כולנו יכולים לעזור!

10,000 דובים מעונים באכזריות בסין לשם צרכים קוסמטיים ו``תרופות פלא``, לתקופות של 15-20 שנה. על מנת לעזור חתום והחתם את העצומה הבינלאומית. אנא העתק את גוף הטקסט באנגלית, חתום את שמך בסוף הרשימה ושלח במייל לכמה שיותר חברים. We ask the Chinese government for compassion. Today in China 10,000 (ten thousand) bears are kept prisoner for extracting bile from their gall bladders. The bears are kept in a horizontal position, in cages that look rather like coffins. They wear a metal collar and are held down by pressure bars. A catheter is introduced into their body that continuously absorbs the liquid from their gall bladders. The bears cannot change their position and remain in this condition of permanent pain between 15 and 20 years! We cannot accept this cruelty, torture and barbarism to continue and be part of the life of these poor bears for another minute. With their paw they take some food through a little opening in the cage. To quench their thirst they have to stretch their tongue to lick the bars of their prison. They suffer excruciating pain as they have to stay for an average of 15 years in the same position that deforms their bones. We are talking about 15 years or 180 months, or 5,475 days, or 131,400 hours or 78,844,000 minutes of continuous pain. The bile serves a disgusting market: it is used to produce shampoos, aphrodisiacs and `miraculous` remedies. During the extraction of the liquid, a tube is inserted in the gall bladder; one end of the tube stays outside the belly of the bear, linked to a machine that extracts the bile. The suffering of the animal exceeds the imagination: the bear wishes death, mutilates himself and tries to commit suicide. For further information visit: http://www.geocities.com/Baja/2324/index.html> http://www.geocities.com/Baja/2324/index.html>> (Click the English version) To help, you just need to copy this email and sign the list below, which calls for the immediate end of the horrific ``Bile Farms`` - then send this message to as many people as possible. Thanks again. Once this list reaches 100, please send to [email protected] NUMBER - NAME - CITY - COUNTRY 1. Anna Rigano - London - UK 2. Neil del Strother - London - UK 3. Steve Nobel - London - UK 4. Rose Buxton - London - UK 5. Nick Wood - Pembrokeshire West Wales. 6. Ross Heaven - Northampton - UK 7. Cheyenne Maloney - Bailey, CO USA 8. Miguel Matos - Coimbra - Portugal 9. Ailie Freeland - Sydney - Australia 10. Marina Potvin- Quebec- Canada 11. Heidi Lavoie _ Toronto-Canada 12. Marc Nelson-Boulder-CO-USA 13. Darlene Turner-Vancouver-Canada 14. Greg Bendz-Vancouver-Canada 15. Michael Irving - Isle of Man - GB 16. Robert Breault - California USA 17. David Pinkney - Oregon 18. Carol Pinkney - Oregon 19. Ben Bentzien - Oregon 20. Hettienne Grobler - Cape Town, RSA 21. Natasha Diedricks, Cape Town, RSA 22. Anna-Marie West - Cape Town, RSA 23. Gayo L Primic - Cape Town, RSA 24. Owen Fairley - JHB South Africa 25. Stefan Bam - JHB, RSA 26. Eric Earle - JHB, RSA 27. Magnus Esterhuizen - JHB, RSA 28. Margaret Eshberger - JHB, South Africa 29. Yolanda Boshoff - PTA, RSA 30. Laurette du Plessis 31. Sandra Uys - PTA, RSA 32. Riette Faber - PTA, South Africa 33. Erika Esterhuysen - PTA, South Africa 34. Nicolette Fouche - PTA, South Africa 35. Helene Stoltz - JHB, South Africa 36. Peggy Maggio - JHB, South Africa 37. Louisa Steyn - JHB , South Africa 38. Belinda Pearson - JHB South Africa 39. Lizelle Burger - JHB South Africa 40. Dirk Burger - PTA South Africa 41. Elnette von Backstrom - PTA South Africa 42. Johann von Backstrom - PTA South Africa 43. Susan Senekal - PTA South Africa 44. Johanna Meyer - PTA South Africa 45. Sue Schoeman - PTA South Africa 46. Tollie Botha - MB South Africa 47. Edith Sievers - CT South Africa 48. Saul Goldblatt - CT South Africa 49. Sam Goldblatt - Israel 50. Nadine Rozowsky - Chicago, USA 51. Katrina G