הרי רשמיה של אחת ממשתתפות

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הרי רשמיה של אחת ממשתתפות

הדיון אודות "שמש נצחית" שנערך לאחרונה: Elijah at the Arclight Theater screening of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and Q&A (October 28, 2004) Note: I am assuming that you've all watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (ESOTSM). I also want you to know that these were my hastily scrawled notes. They are not always direct quotes, but I tried to get as close as I could. I did not capture everything that everyone said. I did get almost everything Elijah said, again not always verbatim. Also, I do not always write the questions, only the answers because I just can't write fast enough sometimes! _____________________________________________________________ We watched ESOTSM on a very large screen with a great sound system. After the screening, the Arclight people introduced Elijah Wood, Charlie Kaufman, and the producer, who I will call "Producer" (because I never did catch his name). The fourth person was a woman from USA Today, who I do not much quote here. She asked a few questions at the beginning, but very quickly it was opened up to the audience to ask questions. She moderated the question asking. Apparently, a lot of the audience were film school students and other film buffs, so they asked a lot of questions of Charlie. He talked a lot at first, and Elijah sat there and listened intently, as he does. Finally, the moderator said: Mod: Elijah, you did a lot of improvisation on this film. Elijah: Yes, a good thing about working with Michel Gondry is that he lets the actors work improvisationally. Charlie mostly spoke during the early part of the hour. Charlie said that he gave a pitch to a studio for ESOTSM that lasted only 5 minutes. From that, they decided to pick it up. He said the pitch was easy but writing the script was hard. Michel Gondry liked the story. They waited 10 months to start filming the movie because Jim Carrey was filming "Bruce Almighty". Charlie said he doesn't have actors in mind when he writes stories. He was involved in the movie editing. Producer: It's unusual for the writer to work at editing. Charlie: I've worked with Gondry twice. I would also like to work with David Lynch. I liked working in TV and learned a lot, but I wanted to do my "own stuff" so I went into movies. I wrote "Being John Malkovich" while working in TV. Mod: Elijah you said something about the color of your hair before you came out. Elijah: Yeah, my hair is darker because I was in Prague working on "Everything Is Illuminated". They colored my hair dark for that. I liked the dark hair, so I kept it. Charlie: The part with Elijah, Mark, and Kristin was added to the story later. At first it was only Joel and Clementine. I had to get the timeline in good order, and that took a long time. Elijah: I did ESOTSM because I wanted to work with Gondry, and I loved the script. (By this time, Elijah had hardly been asked anything, so I asked a couple of questions.) Me: Elijah, looking toward future projects, has "The Yank, or Hooligans" been picked up in the US yet? Elijah: That's a good question. It's all done and ready to go, but it hasn't been picked up yet. It's still out there, so hopefully it will be. Me: How about "Everything Is Illuminated", when will that be released? Elijah: That will be released either next spring (pauses) or next summer. Charlie: I liked Jim Carrey because he wanted to do the part and was down to earth and natural sort of person. I thought he might be the "big movie star," but he wasn't like that. Charlie: I wasn't all that involved in the creative process of the movie. I was there in the beginning and then saw a rough cut. Someone asked all three of them, "What were your inspirations?" Producer: I worked with David Lynch, Spike Lee and Michel Gondry. They inspired me. I grew up before there were home videos and only saw studio movies in theaters. 1970's pictures were influential for me. (I didn't write down Charlie's response.)


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Elijah: My favorite movie of all time was "Harvey". (He said this because one of the other commenters mentioned a favorite film, I think.) I am inspired by many people. Filmmakers making interesting films get me most inspired. Question: Why did you like Harvey? Elijah: Because the more I see it, the more I see in it. It's about a guy who gives up on reality and makes his own reality. It's bumming me out that there aren't that many good movies much anymore. Although I want to see (name of a movie--can't read my note here) and "Birth". I think they should be good. I feel like I've been going to film school for the last 15 years. Elijah, do you have plans to work behind the camera? Elijah: I want to work behind the camera, but that won't be for a long time. Question: Did ESOTSM turn out how you envisioned? This question for all three. Producer: It's hard to remember what I thought it would be, but I'm pleased with how it came out. I'm enjoying the moment and think the movie achieved what I wanted. Charlie: It's impossible for it to come out how you envisioned it, because it's a collaborative effort and that by nature changes things. Elijah: I think it turned out better than I had hoped. Working with Michel was confusing. One day we were rehearsing the scene in the bookstore, and I asked Kate (Winslet), "Do you know what we're doing? And she said "No". It was good to see that the finished product was good. I think the story hits men emotionally unlike many movies. I've talked to my friends who normally wouldn't feel emotional about a film like this, but they were moved by it. Elijah and Producer: You know the scene at the beginning where Patrick goes up and wraps on Joel's car window? Well there was a scene shot where Patrick asks for a cigarette as a reason to go up to Joel's window so Joel wouldn't be suspicious as to why he was at his window. But that scene was not put in the final movie. Question for Elijah: Did you purposely do ESOTSM to act as a character that was far away from Frodo? Elijah: No. But anything non-Lord of the Rings would be much different. The character of Patrick was different in that there's a creepiness to him, and he's a bit pathetic, but ultimately he's redeemable, or I think so. Question for Elijah: As a child actor, I thought you were brilliant. How is it to look back and see those older movies now? Elijah: It's a strange experience. It's like seeing yourself, but it's not really you—like naked baby pictures. It's almost like another person, but I have vivid memories of being on-set too. Although those movies weren't really all that long ago when you think about it, it seems like a long time ago to me. Question about earliest roles: Elijah: One of my first roles was in "Internal Affairs" and then "Back to the Future 3". Avalon was the first large role that I had. Charlie: I didn't sit down and write and think, "I'm changing the course of film making". Question: Charlie, was Clementine based on someone you know? Charlie: No, on someone I saw, and then I created her. Question: Do you set out to make movies that are intellectually stimulating for the audience? Producer: I make a movie that makes people think, but not so confusing that they don't get it. We had to work very carefully on ESOTSM to get it so that it wouldn't confuse the audience too much. ____________________________________________________________ Well, that was all of my notes. After the Q&A was done, some of us went down front to talk to the speakers. I went down to see Elijah. I had never gotten a chance to get his autograph, although I'd seen him in person before, so I wanted to do that. I chose to have him sign my copy of "Everything Is Illuminated". We were told when the Q&A started that we weren't allowed to take pictures. So no one did. However, when we went down front, someone asked if Elijah if it was OK to take his picture, and of course he said, "Sure!" I then got out my camera and took a few pictures of him. I then remembered something else I wanted to ask him, so I went over to him and said, "Elijah, I heard a rumor that you were considering taking a role as Ian Curtis." Elijah said, "He was the lead singer in the band, "Joy Division"". A girl who was standing beside us and who wasn't even looking our way (but who was apparently listening anyway) said, "Oh, I love Joy Division". Elijah turned around to her and said, "Do you?" She nodded. He finally said, "Nothing is definite yet." Another girl said to him, "Elijah, I love the way you laugh in that one scene in ESOTSM." To which he answered, "The director seemed to love that." *אודות הסרט "הארווי", כאן.


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איאן קרטיס, סולן ג'וי דיוויז'ן (שיהיה בהחלט מגניב לראות את אליהו בתפקידו) התאבד כשהלהקה התפרסמה (בערך כמו קורט קוביין, רק בגרסה בריטית ואייטיזית, אם נשווה לרגע את מאנצ'סטר לסיאטל, שני מפעלי-על להרכבים באייטיז ובניינטיז בהתאמה). משאריות ג'וי דיוויז'ן נולדה ניו אורדר, שלימים הופיעה עם בילי קורגן, מיסטר "סמשינג פאמפקיס" ואלילו המוסיקלי הראשון של מר אליהו.