התסריט של צעקה


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התסריט של צעקה ../images/Emo70.gif

העתקתי לכאן את התסריט של צעקה 1, רק הסצנה הראשונה, שהיא מדברת עם הרוצח בטלפון. (דרו ברימור). מומלץ למי שיודע אנגלית!
The Phone Rings... Casey: Hello? Man: Hello? Casey: Yes? Man: Who is this? Casey: Who are you trying to reach? Man: What number is this? Casey: What number are you trying to reach? Man: I don´t know. Casey: I think you have the wrong number. Man: Do I? Casey: It happens. Take it easy. Casey hangs up... Outside the front of Casey´s house, a swing dangles from the tree. It is swaying softly... The phone rings again... Casey: Hello? Man: I´m sorry I guess I dialed the wrong number. Casey: So why´d you dial it again? Man: To apologize. Casey: You´re forgiven. Bye now. Man: Wait! Wait! Don´t hang up! Casey: What? Man: I want to talk to you for a second. Casey: They´ve got 900 numbers for that. C-ya. Casey hangs up again... The Phone rings again... Casey: Hello? Man: Why don´t you want to talk to me? Casey: Who is this? Man: You tell me your name I´ll tell you mine. Casey: I don´t think so. Casey has opened a popcorn packet, with Jiffy Pop written on the label, she gives it a shake... Man: What´s that noise? Casey: Popcorn. Man: You´re making popcorn? Casey: Uh-huh. Man: I only eat popcorn at the movies. Casey: Well, I´m getting ready to watch a video. Man: Really? What? Casey: Oh. Just some scary movie. Man: You like scary movies? Casey: Uh-huh. Man: What´s you favorite scary movie? Casey: Uh, I don´t know. Man: You have to have a favorite. What comes to mind? Casey picks up a large knife from a wooden block which is obviously been made for holding knives Casey: Umm....Halloween. She drops the knife back in.... Casey: You know the one guy in the white mask that walks around and stalks babysitters. Man: Yeah. Casey: What´s yours? Man: Guess. Casey: Um..Nightmare on Elm Street. Man: Is that the one with the guy that has knives for fingers? Casey: Yeah, Freddy Kruger. Man: Freddy, that´s right. Man: I like that movie. It was scary. Casey walks out of the kitchen and heads towards the living room... Casey: The first one was but, the rest sucked. Man: So, you got a boyfriend? Casey: Why? You want to ask me out on a date? Man: Maybe. Man: So, do you have a boyfriend? Casey: mmm..no. Casey turns on the patio lights and looks at the backyard, there is a slight and mystic mist floating over the pool... she turns the lights off again Man: You never told me your name. Casey: Why do you want to know my name? Man: So I know who I am looking at. Casey looks worried... Casey: What did you say? Man: I wanna know who I am talking to. Casey: That´s not what you said. Man: What do you think I said? Man: What? Man: Hello? Casey: Look, I got to go. Man: Wait! I thought we were going to go out? Casey: Uh-nah. I don´t think so. Man: Don´t hang up on me! Casey hangs up... scared... she starts to walk back to the kitchen... The phone rings again ( slightly frightend and pissed off ) Casey: Shit. Casey picks up... once again... ( annoyed tone )Casey: Yes? Man: I told you not to hang up on me. Casey: What do you want? Man: To talk. Casey: Well, dial someone else. Okay? Casey hangs up... She walks into the kitchen, and sees that the popcorn is on fire, she walks fast over to it, grabs a towel and picks up the burning popcorn... The phone rings again... she drops the pop corn back onto the stove.... ( angry ) Casey: Listen asshole-- Man: No, you listen you little bitch! You hang up on me again, I´ll gut you like a fish. You understand? ( menacing laugh )Hehe...Yeah. ( sobbing ) Casey: Is this some kind of joke? Man: More of a game really. Can you handle that...? ...Blondie? Casey looks outside the windows, frantically... Man: Can you see me? ( determined ) Casey: Listen, I am two seconds away from calling the police. Man: They´d never make it in time were in the middle of nowhere. ( sobbing again... ) Casey: What do you want? Man: To see what you´re insides look like. Casey´s eyes widen, and she hangs up... Casey is near the door, and the door bell rings... ( sobbing ) Casey: Who´s there? Who´s there? I´m calling the police! The phone rings... Casey cries out loud, and listens into the phone... Man: You should never say "Who´s there?" Don´t you watch scary movies? It´s a death wish. You might as well come out and investigate a strange noise or somethin´. ( determined, yet still sobbing ) Casey: Look, you´ve had your fun now. So, I think you better just leave or else. Man: Or else what? Casey: Or else my boyfriend will be here any second, and he´ll be pissed when he finds out. Man: I thought you didn´t have a boyfriend? המשך בהודעה הבאה...


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המשך לסצנה 1...

Casey: I lied, I do have a boyfriend and he´ll be here any second. So, your ass better be gone. Man: Sure. Casey: I swear. ( loud and hoping the guy on the other end of the phone would take the hint ) Casey: He´s big and he plays football and he´ll kick the shit out of you! ( sarcastic ) Man: I´m getting scared, I am shaking in my boots. ( defeated )Casey: So, you just better leave. Man: His name wouldn´t be....Steve would it? ( shocked ) Casey: How do you know his name? Man: Turn on the patio lights ...again. Casey turns on the lights, and see´s her boyfriend, Steve Orith tied to a chair, his mouth is covered in duct tape, he is bruised and has a few cuts. Casey: Oh god! Casey unlocks the door and opens it and is about to step outside... Man: I wouldn´t do that if I was you! Casey pulls the door closed quickly and locks it. Casey: Where are you? Man: Guess. Casey: Don´t hurt him. Man: That all depends on you. Casey: Why are you doing this? Man: I wanna play a game. Casey: No. Man: Then he dies right now. Casey: NO. NO! Man: Which is it? Which is it? Casey: Wha- - What kind of game? ( evilly ) Man: Turn off the lights, You´ll see what kind of game. Just do it! Casey turns off the lights... ( muffled ) Steve: Casey! No! No! NO! CASEY! Man: Here´s how to play. I ask you a question, If you get it right Steve lives. Casey: Please, don´t do this. Casey hides behind the TV and pulls out the cord for the light on top of the TV.... Man: Come on, It´ll be fun! Casey: Please-- Man: It´s an easy category. Casey: Please. Man: Movie Trivia. Man: I´ll give you a warm-up question. Casey: Don´t do this, I can´t. Man: Name the killer in Halloween? Casey: No. Man: Come on, It´s your favorite scary movie remember? Man: He had a white mask and he stalked babysitters. Casey: I don´t know. Man: Come on, Yes you do. Casey: No, please. Man: What´s his name? Casey: I can´t think. Man: Steve´s counting on you. ( still sobbing... ) Casey: Michael ...Michael Myers. Man: Yes! Very good. Man: Now for the real question. Casey: NO! Man: But, you´re doing so well. We can´t just stop now. Casey: Please, Stop! Leave us alone. Man: Then answer the question. Same category. Casey: Oh, please stop. Man: Name the killer in Friday the 13th? Casey jumps up, all excited, she knows the answer... ( shouting ) Casey: Jason! Jason! Jason! Man: I´m sorry that´s the wrong answer. Casey: No it´s not! No it´s not! It´s Jason! Man: Afraid not, NO WAY! ( annoyed cause she thinks she is right ) Casey: Listen, it was Jason! I saw that movie 20 god damn times! Man: Then you should know that the original killer was Jason´s mother, Mrs. Voorhies. Jason didn´t show up till the sequel. I´m afraid that was the wrong answer. ( sobbing again... ) Casey: You tricked me... Man: Lucky for you there is a bonus round. But, poor Steve, I am afraid he´s out! Casey turns on the lights and looks out side, and sees her boyfriend has been slaughtered, his insides on the outside. She starts to cry again. Casey crawls back behind the TV... Man: Hey, we´re not finished yet. Final question, Are you ready? Casey: Please, Please, Leave me alone! Man: Answer the question and I will! Man: What door am I at? Casey looks up from behind the televison at both doors, the main door and the patio doors... She also grabs a letter opener to use as a weapon if he got to her... Casey: What? Man: There are two main doors to your house, the front door and the patio door. Very Simple. Casey: I can´t do this, I can´t, I won´t. Man: Your call. A chair flies through the patio doors Casey gets up and runs into the kitchen, she runs behind the kitchen island and grabs the knife she handled before... Casey looks down the corrider from which she just came. Staring into the darkness, she sees something run across the corrider towards the front door. It looks as if it is wearing all black, from head to toe... Casey runs over to the doors from the kitchen, opens the door, and steps outside, closing the door after her, she crawls onto the ground, holding the knife in one hand, the phone in the other... Casey sits there foir a few seconds, and looks into the kitchen from the glass panes in the door. She looks over to where the corridor opens into the kitchen, and sees the dark and mysterious character standing there, peering into the smoky kitchen. It is dressed in all black and has a ghostly white face... It runs into the kitchen. Casey crawls back to her hiding spot... Casey then sees a car coming down the road. Maybe if she got to it, they would save her. Hopefully it would be her parents... Casey looks again, and sees the ´ghost´ run into the next room. She crawls along the ground. Just past the doors, she stops. She gets up and looks into the window, and sees all black. Why was it all black? Then suddenly, the man turns around. Facing her is the sad ghostly face see had seen from her hiding spot... The man´s hand punches right through the window and grabs her hand, the hand holding the phone. Casey hits the ghostly face with the phone, and he lets go. Casey drops her knife and runs away. Casey runs and stops just outside the patio doors. There is Steve. His limp head has fallen back as he sits there lifeless in the chair. He is still tied up and taped at the mouth. Casey whimpers and runs around the side of the house... The car pulls into Casey´s house, and drives up the drive way. Casey stops to looks at it. She knew it was her parents. They would come to her rescue, she knew it... As Casey stands there, the ghostly figure jumps through a window and lands right on top of her. She struggles with him and gets up runs away. As she runs, the killer also gets up, and chases her down the side of the house. Casey turns her head to see how far away the killer is. He´s right behind her. The killer grabs her around her neck, and stabs her near to her heart. He lets her go and she falls to the ground. As Casey feels her wound, she is whimpering. There is blood pumping out of her womb. The killer lifts his knife, and if about to bring it down on her to kill her. ס ו ף ס צ נ ה


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אבל סינדי לא מתה, זאת קסי, זה הסצנה הראשונה של צעקה 1 !


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קראתי עד אמצע ההודעה ../images/Emo187.gif

השנייה בערך.. דווקא היה משעשע!


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לא שמתי לב בסרט

אבל עכשיו שקראתי את הטנסקריפט שמתי לב שהוא נשמע כמו פסיכולוג. מה אמרת? מה את חושבת שאמרתי? וכאלה.... |חזיר|


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כל הכבוד אתה יודע אנגלית בן 13? פפפשששש


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למה להסתלבט עליו?

אז מה אם הוא חצי מהגיל שלך...


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למה לסכסך???

בכלל לא הסתלבטתי עליו זה היה פירגון.... אתה יכול לעשות מה שהוא עשה? לתרגם סיפורים שלמים מאנגלית לעברית, ולתרגם את הדיאלוג למעלה מאנגלית לעברית?? למה להשמיץ סתם?


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איזה דיאלוג?

לא תירגמתי את זה, ובמיוחד מאנגלית לעברית ... :) אני מתרגם רק אגדות אורבניות מאנגלית לעברית, זה קצת קשה אבל מסתדרים.


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היא דיברה ביכלל אל TOOSH או משהו כזה o_OOOOOO


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אז עכשיו אתה קובע למי כתבתי??

אתה סכסכן אה... סוף הדרך!


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משרשרת תחת "המשך לסצנה 1"

נראה איפה זה יפול העיגול... זה אמור להופיע בהודעה יותר פנימית.


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משרשרת תחת "המשך לסצנה 1"

נראה איפה זה יפול העיגול... זה אמור להופיע בהודעה יותר פנימית.