אגב, ג'ן "לא אוהבת את התהילה"
זה לפחות מה שהיא אמרה בראיון שלה לוואניטי פייר על הדמיון לקטניס...
“I read the Hunger Games books when it was Oscar season, so for the first time I was in these dresses which didn’t look like me and didn’t feel like me. I felt like a walking rag doll. I remember sitting there in hair and makeup, listening to the things that they were talking about, and most of the things I didn’t even know. My dad called them the pit crew—they did hair and makeup and nails all at the same time. So I read that and I was like, ‘I know exactly how that feels.’ And then, in the second book, people’s relationships to you suddenly change. You’re aware of people staring at you. [...] I call my mom sobbing all the time. But it’s dealing with the repercussions of having no more anonymity. You lose privacy. And then, the third book, I teared up when I read it, because she finally realizes she can do good with it. Children are in the hospital. and just going and meeting them can lift their spirits and give them hope. As much as this is a curse, as stupid as it sounds, to make as much money as I am by doing something that I love, it’s hard not to regret it when you’re being chased by 15 strangers.”
ובקצרה: בדיוק לפני שנתיים היא התחילה את האודישנים לקטניס ו-הייתה מועמדת לגלובוס הזהב ולאוסקר על "קר עד העצם". היא הרגישה כמו קטניס עם צוות הכנה וכל הפאפארצי ושהיא ממש ממש לא שייכת.
על מי את עובדת ג'ן, את מתה על זה! וגם אנחנו D:
לכתבה המלאה