

Lust=/= love He fell in lust- And nothing but! Wanted to touch her arms -not to hold her heart. He told her (Himself as well) That this is love. But there was only lust. She wanted to believe- She almost was deceived. But deep inside, she knew- That can’t be true. He fell in lust. Because of that, He couldn’t care She didn’t share The flame. Told her again She has no clue ‘Like I want you, You want me to’… He took her breath away…- Out of fear. not amaze She wanted him to go away- But his sweet words assured he’ll stay An till he tried to force on her His lust-desire. Than finally she realize She must give up His sweet words of love He has no clue what that Is all about It is midnight She just might Realize he’s not a prince. She’s not a princess
להיות פתוח,זה גם להיות חשוף ופגיע.

Taking a chance, Taking a risk Taking a chance, Is taking a risk. You can’t know in advance, -you may lose everything. You give her your heart- Hope that she will Hold it tight Not let it slip. And if she broke it… ‘Oh god!’-you think. ‘I lost it! Why did I take the risk??’... No, don’t regret. You took the chance. The news I have- It will build up. A heart is fixable -it might take some tears. The pain at first-unbearable But with time, it will heal.
ולזה שבחר להיות תחת שריון כל הזמן..

Turtle Had I been asked Which animal comes in mind When I think of you- I will say A turtle. Take your home with you To whenever going to But more than that- Wearing an armor Making sure- Nothing hurts your inside. Hiding in most of the time. Will you slowly take outside Your head, eyes?... Careful of each move… You need many proves Before you let anyone in. Slowly, and hesitating. Will you try to reach the hand That I hand over, friend? You are a turtle -No one know better- Than me-because For years I was A one myself…


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כן, אבל מה עושים שיש סדק בשריון

וכ"כ כואב שרוצים למות, ולא מצליחים לאחות אותו שוב, גם לא מבפנים??????
לא מאחים-

כי שריון,הוא אוטם אותך מהטוב,וגם מהרע. אין מה לעשות-אם רוצים להרגיש משהו,חייבים לקחת את הסיכון הזה... מאחלת התגברות מהירה...