חדשות על שאקי!!!


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חדשות על שאקי!!!

אני לא יודע איך לתרגם את זה טוב, אז מישהו פה יכול לעשות את זה?: זה פשוט אומר שהסינגל הראשון בספרדית יהיה השיר שהיא עבדה עם: Gustavo Cerati (יהיה שיר גם באנגלית, אבל זה האחד בספרדית) Well, after months and months of being disappointed for the lack of Shakira news, JB was watching LATV Live (an important Spanish show here in California, where they play Shakira lot) and they had a segment called "Guilty by Association"... annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd.... Giovanni said that she was spotted in the Bahamas with Cerati from Soda Stereo, and that he collaborated with her on the FIRST SPANISH SINGLE OFF THE NEW ALBUM....which he said, the new album will be a BILINGUAL album, he didn't say it was going to be 1 or 2 cd's just BILINGUAL. And then he said "Shakira makes her way back into the Spanish spolight this Thursday at the LVMA's" That part made me so happy, hopefully the LVMA's is the start of Shakira mania all over again, the way he said it all excited it seemed to be true!!! And finally he said "Shakira also worked with the Matrix on this CD, so it's sure to be a HUGE HIT" It was soooooo awesome, finally some positive Shakira stuff!!! And I know most of it isn't new, besides the first Spanish single, but it's awesome that he said that she finally returns at the LVMA's!!! And finally they played TE DEJO MADRID...to make it more perfect!


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