חזרתי-"איש קש" באנגלית
There is no fear left, nothing to see. I'm a scare crow, I'm a twisted tree. Life has ceased, in the place next door. ALthough here, we're not better off. We broght her in, in an elegant way, dead inside, living out. eating reading, talking sleeping. Inside laughing, at the lost living. There is no fear left, nothing to see. I'm a scare crow, I'm a twisted tree. there is no fear left, terrible agony, years they faught me, what choice had thee? The kids, didn't grow up, they just grew tall, and joined the army. There is no fear left, nothing to see. I'm a scare crow, I'm a twisted tree.
זו גרסה לא מעובדת, (בניגוד לשאר, עליהן עברתי זמן מה בראשי), ולכן יש הרבה מקום לשיפור.