חחח קבלו משהו מצחיק שמצאתי....


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והנה כול מני תמונות סתם כדי שיהיה

לנו המשך ראש שנה מתוק מתוק!!


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טוב יש עוד אחת... זה האח הקטן של

ג'סטין אין הרבה דימיון אבל תראו איזה כובע הוא לובש...


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זה לא משהו שמעריצה..

עשתה זה מדבקות של הכוסון שלנו וואי הלוואי שהיו לי כאלה חחח והם באו מעיתון אחד שבמתנה היו שם מדבקות של ג'ס..


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טוב מי שזה מעניין אותה...

אז ככה בתמונה מופיעה אלישה קאתברט שהיא בעצם ארוסתו של החבר הכי טוב של ג'סטין טרייס אלייה שעומד לידה ולידו עומד אבא של ג'סטין הכוסון שלנו רנדי טימברלייק ואז כמובן ג'סטיןן הכוסוןןן ואחיו.. וברור שהם לא יהיו ממש דומים כי זה אח חורג שלו חח..


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כן אני יודעת אבל הם לא דומים בכלל

למרות שיש להם את אותו האבא...
תודה על התמונות../images/Emo99.gif

יווו איך אני רוצה את המדבקות האלו!!!!!!! היתי קונה מלאאאא!!!! וממלא את כל המחברות שלי


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"קצת" משעמם לי אז החלטתי לשים פה

פה כול מני ציטוטים שג'סטין אמר בכול מני ראיונות... Justin: I think I'd make a good daddy! I was brought up really well by my parents and I think that one day I'll make a good daddy, not anytime soon. Justin: I'm always honest when I'm dating somebody. I don't play games. Justin: Loyal. I'm a hopeless romantic...when I fall for somebody, I fall hard. It takes a lot for me to fall for someone, but when I do, it's over, that's when I give them everything. I think I've learned sometimes women need to chase men. I think there's a lot of give and take that needs to happen. I've been cheated on numerous time by ex girlfriends. It's hard for me to trust somebody, but on top of that I think I gave too much and it was so overwhelming that they took it for granted and thought that it would be there when they needed it. That's where I went wrong. TEEN: What kind of girl do you like? Justin: A confident one. Confidence is sexy to me. Not overwhelming, not sassy stuck-up types, but someone who knows themselves and is comfortable with themselves and has a good sense of humor. I like girls who really go for it, who are not afraid. Someone that's balls out - a girl that just goes balls out and lives life to the fullest. Be your own person. I think the main thing about teenage romance is that people try to get to know somebody else before they really know themselves and they end up with a whole other personality that's not them. You start dating someone and you start acting like someone you're not and that's because you probably don't know yourself yet. I know that the first impression I give off is a little intimidating. I don't talk that much when I first meet people. I'm kinda quiet and reserved and I study. I study people when I first meet them. They might think "he doesn't talk too much and he's rude" but it's really that I want to study people before I start conversing with them. The fact that somebody can just come up and start talking to me and be comfortable with themselves and not worry about anything else, that turns me on. TEEN: Now, last but not least...what's your most prized possession: Justin: I think possessions end up possessing you. It's fun to have toys- I buy a lot of jewelry, I wear necklaces, diamond watches. I like to have fun, I don't have anything that's stuck with me. I think my most prized possession is probably my voice. I try to take care of it as much as I can.

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אגב,I LOVE JT,מה שמך