חלק 1


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חלק 1

Astral Projection Definition Astral projection means projecting your awareness to the astral plane. The astral plane is a world made of energy that can be shaped by thought and emotion. In the astral plane, a person can create objects and communicate with other beings, both humans and spirits. Remote Viewing is a form of projection, just like astral projection. The difference is that it takes you to a physical location instead of an astral one. Astral Projection vs. Out of Body Experiences Astral projection and out of body experiences are not the same. Leaving the body and astral projection are different forms of travel. The astral plane is one of many places a person can go when out of body or when projecting. Astral projection can happen while still in body and awake. This book focuses on interacting with the astral plane through visualization. This works while you are awake and not out of body. It will not cover out of body experiences. Astral projection requires feelings like daydreaming and being creative because they trigger psychic perceptions. You may feel at first that you are imagining what you see. That´s ok. In time, you will change from imagining it to perceiving it accurately. The level of danger is less than normal physical life. You might run into someone who will get angry with you for no apparent reason. However, as long as you don´t go looking for trouble, such occurrences are unlikely. Even if someone doesn´t like you, they´re unlikely to do anything more than give you a minor headache. Contrary to some common myths, you can not die from leaving your body or from projection. You can not be trapped out of your body. Demons will not take over your body while you´re gone. If you get anxious or stressed, you´ll just wake up naturally, like from a nighttime dream. Visualization Method Choose an astral place that you would like to visit. Create a place if you think it does not already exist. If you want to visit a friend´s astral home, hold the image of your friend, emotionally or visually, in your mind. Relax and daydream. Think of the place you would like to visit. If other thoughts interfere, notice them, let them go, and return to the picture. Continue until it becomes very clear. You will use this place as an anchor point to return to later. Become aware of seeing, feeling, and hearing the place, including as many senses as possible. Stay open to any information that enters your mind, no matter how odd or unrelated it may seem. Some astral places are relatively normal. Others are extremely odd and may change frequently. As you examine each image, use it to find other images. Over time, you will get images more quickly and see more. Once maintaining the picture is easy, change it somewhat. Add a tree, or move things around; whatever you imagine will change it in that way. Pick up an object and resize it, change its color, change its density, and then return it to normal. Reshape that area of the astral plane. Practice until you are very comfortable doing this. Learn to change your shape. Walk, fly, swim, and examine the details of many objects. The next step in astral projection is traveling to places other people have created. You succeed at this when you don´t let your preconceptions change your views of them. In some areas, the things people have created maintain themselves so others can not change them. In other areas, your thoughts can change what is actually there. Uses of Astral Projection Astral projection is useful for practicing perceptive and creative psychic abilities, especially telepathy. It also works as an energy source to assist healing. It lets you explore concepts that don´t fit into the regular world, such as four or five dimensional space. Exploring other people´s astral creations and creating your own can be quite fun. Whatever you can imagine, you can play with on the astral plane. Soul joining is also possible. Because you can change shape astrally, you can become fog-like. If several people do this, it is possible for them to overlap their soul energy, and eventually their souls. This can be a very intimate experience emotionally and nearly always creates a strong telepathic connection. It´s difficult to remain in the astral plane when doing this if you aren´t already good at projecting. For people who are very comfortable projecting and comfortable with each other, it can be a very joyous experience.


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חלק 2

Common Problems Q: I can´t keep a clear picture of the astral plane in my mind. It´s blurry and not very detailed. A: You may need to work with an ability other than sight. Try listening and feeling your way around, rather than giving it a visual shape. Also, make sure you aren´t being distracted by the physical world around you. Q: I can get to the astral plane and see it, but I can´t move around. I feel like I´m glued down. A: Sometimes it takes practice to be able to move naturally. Try a second projection. Leave your astral body where it´s at, as a shell, and project to a different place in the astral plane. Let the shell just sit there stuck the first few times, and eventually, you will find that movement comes naturally. This can be especially helpful if astrally you can fly but have difficulty walking. Q: I can´t see anything others create. I can only see my own things. A: This could happen for two reasons. One possibility is that your own expectations are interfering. If so, practice the suggestions given at the beginning of this book for avoiding expectations. The other possibility is that you are not used to viewing other people´s energy. Practice with psiballs with friends, and with aura vision, to help improve your ability to see other people´s energy. Other energies feel a bit different, but they are all variations of the energy you can already see. Q: When I´m trying to actually leave my body, rather than just see the astral plane while awake, I get almost out. But then my heart beat speeds up and I wake back up again. A: A fast heart rate shows anxiety. Are you nervous about what you are doing? The anxiety could come from many things. If you are afraid of the astral plane, research it more and deal with your fears before trying to project again. If you aren´t afraid of projecting, but still have a lot of anxiety, consider some other possibilities. How will your beliefs change if you succeed? Are you worried about anything that would happen to you, emotionally or mentally, after you succeed? Are you ready for the new experience? How will you handle it? What does it mean to you to succeed? If you are not ready, what would make you ready? Q: I want to explore the astral plane but I´m afraid it might be dangerous or unhealthy. Something keeps pushing me back in. A: Your own fears are pushing you back in. Emotions can take form when you are in the astral plane, and you may perceive them as actual blocks to your progress. The only way to defeat fears is to face them, either by experiencing what you are afraid of, or by researching it until you know there is nothing to be afraid of. The astral plane is less dangerous than the physical world because you can always relocate if a situation isn´t good. At worst, you can simply leave the astral plane (with a full shutdown if you wish). Your fears will not decrease over time unless you continue to learn about astral projection. Keep reading about it, talk with others about their experiences, and practice things yourself. Do it a little at a time so that you are totally comfortable before going ahead. Like in the Star Wars Jedi training cave, the only threats are your own fears. Face the fears, and they will show that they are illusions. If you want to feel more prepared for whatever occurs, read the section on maintaining shielding. Some of the ways of dealing with psychic battle (which is uncommon, but occasionally happens) are discussed in that section. Summary Choose a location. Daydream about the location to get there. Explore and receive. Practice changing things. Explore others´ areas. Return to the physical world. Success You can create and visit your own astral home. You can alter your astral home. You can visit and accurately describe others´ astral homes. You can return to the physical world easily when you choose.