חשוב לכולם-בענין העצומה


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חשוב לכולם-בענין העצומה

מצורף תשובה שקיבלתי בנושא העצומהץ. מסתבר שהדשא של השכן לא ירוק כל כך:You should get the facts strait since this info is misleading. These expenses in the US are tax deductible only if both spouses (man and woman) are working in a full time job. Plus it is tax deductible only up to a maximum of $5000 a year (usually day care expenses in the US are about $1000 per month per child). If you want specific information on how its done in the US go to: http://www.tri-ad.com/index.cfm?fuseAction=Main.Page&page=participants_fsa_dcra