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איזה אירוע מעברה של זינה שודר פעמים בגרסאות שונות ומתי?


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מסירת סולן לקלייפוס. ב-ORPHAN OF WAR, היו חילופי הדברים הבאים: Kal: "Stop right there! You won´t get the Ixion stone. All of us are willing to die to keep you from that power. And Borias, the man who betrayed Xena, to become the greatest friend of the Centaurs, told us everything. He may have died at your command, but he will live forever in our legends." X: "I´m willing to withdraw my army." Kal: "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-- Xena, destroyer of nations, isn´t known to bargain." X: "Take this child. He´s my son, and the son of Borias. If he stays with me, he´ll become a target for all those who hate me-- and he´ll learn things a child should never know. He´ll become like me." Kal: "The son of Borias-- will be raised as my own." ב-PAST IMPERFECT, הסצנה היתה מעט שונה: Kal: "Stop there, Xena!" X: "You got my message. I just wanna talk to you." Kal: "As you did before, when you tried to kill me? It doesn´t matter. You won´t get the Ixion stone. Borias, the friend of the Centaurs, has told us everything. We found his body in your camp. But his legend will live on forever with our people." X: "Take this child. He´s my son-- the son of Borias. If he stays with me, he´ll become a target for all those who hate me. He´ll learn things that a child shouldn´t know. He´ll become like me. Please." Kal: "The son of Borias-- shall be raised as my own."


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אני לא בטוחה

זה שהיא אומרת לקלייפוס פעמיים ב ORFHAN ובPAST IMPERFECT את המשפט הזה: "Take this child. He´s my son, and the sone of Borias. If he stays with me he´ll become a target for all those who hate me, and he´ll learn things a child should never know... he´ll become like me" ופעם היה לה את הכובע ופעם לא


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לא פיר!

סוף סוף אני יודעת משהו אז הוא היה בכנס? מתי? אני לא זוכרת ששמעתי את זה.


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אני לא ידעתי שהייתה שם השאלה הזאת

וחשבתי עליה כבר ממזמן רק לא ידעתי איך לנסח אותה. לדעתי זה נחשב...


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השאלה תוכננה להישאל בטריוויה

בכנס אבל בסוף לא. חוקי לגמרי לא אלעד?