ידיעה שפורסמה על מצבה של יוליה


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ידיעה שפורסמה על מצבה של יוליה

What really happened with Yulia (22/august/2003) Julia Volkova, one of Tatu singers was taken to the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital immediately after her arrival from Turkey. She suddenly felt so bad in a car that she couldn't dial the number of her parents and inform them of her indisposition. Half an hour after she was taken to the hospital Julia was operated on. Now the girl is OK, but an important concert of Tatu scheduled for August 23 was cancelled. Now Julia Volkova looks slightly weary - she must be tired of hospital wards. According to the Zhizn newspaper, a 5 centimeter scar on Julia's right side is carefully plastered. At first the girl worried that the scar after the appendicitis operation would be visibly obvious and she would be embarrassed on the stage or on the beach. Julia says: "Later doctors told me the operation was a success and we came to the hospital at the right moment. Problems might have arisen if we arrived later. Each day that I stayed in the hospital guys from my group came to see me. Lena brought me flowers, fruits and juice. I was looking for the day to leave the hospital." Doctors recommend Julia to observe the regime: no concerts or any abrupt movements for at least a month. Julia herself understands the seriousness of the situation. Now she has time to read books and watch TV. "Unfortunately, the group won't be able to go for a concert to Monte Carlo, although all of the guys were looking forward for this tour. But we'll all the same go there as all the tickets have been sold out. We also plan to go to Latin America where our songs are on the rise in charts." (source: Pradda.ru & thanks to Petrenko)


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יוליה כתבה היום בפורום באתר הרישמי:

Hello! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soon I again shall well! Thanks all of you who worried for me! Your love very much has helped me when to me it was bad! Lena has told to me that all of you very much worried for me and it was very pleasant for me to know that you love me! Thank! I too very much love all of you! Big kisses and hugs to all the nice ppl!
ממתי יוליה יודעת אנגלית../images/Emo35.gif

חשבתי שהיא לא יודעת... ואיך זה שאחרי ניתוח היא ישר רצה למחשב
והקישור שנתת לי לא עובד וגם תירגום בבקשה


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עוד ידיעה שפורסמה על יוליה

לפי הכתבה הזו עשו ליוליה ניתוח אפנדיציט ויש לה צלקת בגודל 5 ס"מ והיא מבואסת מזה בגלל שהיא תתבייש להופיע עם זה בהופעות וללכת לים, תקראו: 22.08.2003 (19:11) t.A.T.u. – Yulia was put in a hospital Yulia Volkova was hospitalised in CCH (central clinical hospital) right after her return from Turkey. Right in the car, she began to feel so poorly, that she could not even dial her cell phone to call parents. A half hour after her arrival to the hospital an urgent surgery has been done on Yulia. At the moment Yulia feels rather well but the important concert planned for August, 23 however, was necessary to cancel. Yulia looks a little bit tired and it’s obvious that the hospital atmosphere is getting on her nerves. A purple five-centimetre scar on the right side is accurately covered by a plaster. Yulia is worried, that after the surgery there will be a mark and it won’t be at ease for her to show on stage or on a beach, the newspaper Zhizn writes. " Later on doctors told me , that the surgery has passed successfully and the appendix was removed in time, - says Yulia. – Nobody knows how it all would end up if we waited longer. All time while I was in the hospital, I was visited by guys from our group every day. Lena came with flowers, fruit and juices. I want to leave the hospital as soon as possible, because I want to do something". But doctors chilled that wish of Yulia’s to go out clubbing out. They have recommended to her, instead, to keep the strict regime for a whole month: no sharp movements and any concert activity. Yulia understands the responsibility. Now she’s got some time to read books and to watch TV. " It Is a pity, certainly, that because of me t.A.T.u. will not go to Monte Carlo. All of us have been looking forward to this trip, - says Yulia. - We will perform there anyway. You see, the tickets have already been sold. More over, a concert in Latin America is planned too. It turns out that right now our songs began to climb the charts there ".