יעד סופי 3!
Cheating Death: Final Destination 3 עוד אין תאריך לסרט אלה בינתיים הפרטים עליו: "Six-years after the events of the previous film, the story now follows a high school senior who fails to stop a fated roller coaster ride that she predicted would cause the deaths of several of her friends. She then teams with a schoolmate in a race against time to prevent death from revisiting the survivors of the accident." נשמע ממש טוב.. בנוסף יש שמועה שהסרט יהיה כולו בתלת מימד.. מקווה שזה לא נכון
Cheating Death: Final Destination 3 עוד אין תאריך לסרט אלה בינתיים הפרטים עליו: "Six-years after the events of the previous film, the story now follows a high school senior who fails to stop a fated roller coaster ride that she predicted would cause the deaths of several of her friends. She then teams with a schoolmate in a race against time to prevent death from revisiting the survivors of the accident." נשמע ממש טוב.. בנוסף יש שמועה שהסרט יהיה כולו בתלת מימד.. מקווה שזה לא נכון