עוד קצת עידכונים...
יכול להיות שהתכוונת לספר: The Affect-Based Curriculum (ABLC): An Intensive Program for Families, Therapists and Teachers, by Stanley I Greenspan, M.D. and Diane Lewis, M.A., CCC/SLP. An innovative approach to the development of language that integrates the affect based model of human development, developed by Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. (e.g. the Floor Time Model), with the development of receptive and expressive language, imitation, pragmatics, and engagement. The curriculum incorporates the principles of Systematic Instruction and Applied Floor Time as the primary teaching strategies. It also includes supplemental oral motor and augmentative communication techniques that support the development of language. הספר יצא לפני שנתיים ומתייחס בעיקר לנקודה של ה affect שכאמור מהווה דגש חדש במודל. לגבי הדרכות יש את סדרת הקלטות הבאה: ICDL Training Videotapes on the DIR Model and Floor Time Techniques. This 13 tape series, nearly 20 hours in length, features Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. and Serena Wider, Ph.D. demonstrating the Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-Based (DIR) model and Floor Time strategies for different types of children and families with special needs. Included with the videotapes is a manual highlighting what to look for in each of the tapes. אני אומנם עוד לא רכשתי (יקר כ- 550$) אבל ראיתי מדגם בכנס בספטמבר והם מאד מסייעות - מאד ממחישות את השיטה. ענת