יש אלוהים סטן? ומה דעתך פרנק?

The Flash

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יש אלוהים סטן? ומה דעתך פרנק?

את שמכנה עצמו www.theonionavclub.com שאל כמה סלבריטאים אם יש אלוהים בינהם גם את סטן לי ופרנק מילר הנה תשובותיהם -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marvel Comics godfather Stan Lee has been a comics-industry icon since the 1960s. The Onion: Is there a God? Stan Lee: Well, let me put it this way... [Pauses.] No, I´m not going to try to be clever. I really don´t know. I just don´t know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prolific comics writer/artist Frank Miller is best known for The Dark Knight Returns and his Sin City books. The Onion: Is there a God? Frank Miller: I don´t think so. O: Any elaboration on that? FM: No. Well, let´s put it this way. This month [not long after Sept. 11, 2001], I don´t think so. It´s been a long couple of months. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------