כל כך לבד!, כל כך נמאס!.כל כך בא

כל כך לבד!, כל כך נמאס!.כל כך בא

למות!.. וכולם יושבים בליל-הסדר מסביב לשולחן אוכלים אוף!. אין לי


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Passover Hugs

Hi Maaian It is all right dear to be annoyed time to time, no need to die each time something pisses you off. After all, we've got one lovely life, with bumpy riding time to time. That's life baby. By the way, a psychologist working in Canada told me the suicide rate is extremely high there because people have no troubles, no worries, no fights, so they are bored of life. Well, we can't choose, can we ? Love Freeda

Sonata Of Tears

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לא הבנתי למה לא עושים לכם סדר שם...זה נורא לא יפה אחד מהדברים הכי חשובים זה להיות ביחד..והרגשת החג הזאת ולהיות לבד זה נורא.. אם אתן כבר פה אתם יכולות להסביר לי מה עושים הורמונים שלוקחים אותם?


New member
Nobody is miserable

Unless he chooses to be. Definitely not Maaian - she is fighting to be cheerful, and will win this fight time after time. As to hormones, all the data, effects, risks are on the web. Per the forum rules, if you want to ask about it, either consult your doctor, or write privately to members in the forum. Smiles Freeda
נכון!.. definitly not maayan!.

היא הכל! וככה היא צריכה להיות.. היא לא אומללה, פשוט חסרת אונים..


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Why do I love to be a T-girl

In another forum (The Angels) we were asked to state why do we love to be T-girls. Here is my answer in that forum. ****************************************************************** My love is deep inside I loved to lose the male need to be in power, to control, to manipulate, the need to show you never seek help, to prove you can do it all by yourself, as these needs were programmed into me being raised as a boy, but never fitted in. I loved to gain the freedom to express softness, care, emotions, empathy, to cry, to lough shyly, to blush, to be helpless and lost, to seek help. I love the knowledge that more than I have been a father, I had a great motherhood of my kids. And for all that, I gained the love and appreciation of my girlfriend. All my Love Freeda ******************************************************************* So, my dear Maaian, it is time you allow yourself to be helpless. Paradoxially, this is a source of strengh for girls :) Enjoy your great nature Love Freeda
אני עכשיו מנסה ללמוד,איך המחלות נפש

האלו מתעוררות ומה גורם להם..., מנסה להבין את ההשפעה של השירים


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Multiple factors

Mental illness, like body illness, typically results from an accumulation of multiple factors. Part are inherited, part are life circumstances, part are what we do and to what we expose ourselves. It is like the story of the camel and the last straw: if all the burden on your small back is extremely high, even a silly song with depressing words can become the last straw that make you break. So, my dear Maaian, don't bother to search for THE cause. Just play it safe with all factors of life, try to ease the load of your life, and move away from collapsing. Sounds like oldie method :), but it does work, really, and allows fun-full life for many years. Hugs Freeda

אורי 0

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כל דבר הוא מה שאת עושה ממנו

לא מקבלים מחלת נפש מלשמוע מוסיקה כזאת או אחרת. אבל את יכולה לשמוע שיר ולשים עליו את הרגשות שלך. ואם הרגשות שלך הן של חוסר אונים. את יכולה להרכיב אותם על השיר -או על דברים אחרים. תחזיקי מעמד. תשמרי על עצמך במובן הכי בסיסי, תזכרי שיש יופי בכל דבר קטן, ושאת תעברי את המנהרה הזאת ותצאי את יציאת מצרים הפרטית שלך.


New member

Hi Maaian; I'll be away from the computer for a couple of days. Will be with you all the time though, and I'm sure all other members here will do all that is needed to keep you cheerful, strong, fighting, healing, winning your self. By the way, you seem to have a great knowledge of langwages, which makes you a top student. So, when this vacation is over, please kick your ass back to school and show all that you can do with yourself. As Uri has sais: "Everything is what you do of it" :) so .... Love you kiddo Freeda d.