OK - here we go:
זה פשוט לא יאומן! לזרוס כתב על מתח כבר באנגלית, ואת מתרגמת מעברית לאנגלית שוב! הנה כמה מלים מהמקור, או ממה שנאמר על המקור - בשפת המקור. תמצאי פה את רוב המונחים להם את זקוקה. Lazarus proposed that a mental process determines whether stress occurs. The level of stress we experience depends mainly on the adequacy of our resources for coping and how much they will be drained by the stressful situation. Lazarus and Folkman (1984) believe the little daily hassles rather than the major life events bother us the most, causing mental and physical problems. The research at the University of California at Berkeley investigated the hassles of college students, middle-aged whites, and health professionals. Each group had some similar hassles: losing things, concern about physical appearance, and too many things to do. But each group had different concerns too: middle-aged persons worried about chronic money matters, professionals fretted about continuing pressures at work, and students were stressed by wasting time, not doing as well as they would like, and loneliness. Note, these are not major life changes, but chronic conditions. Stress may come from constant, steady tension in a relationship, continuing lack of friends, no interest or excitement day after day, or inability to find meaning in life, as well as from the big, awful eruptions in life discussed above. Also, the little unexpected occurrences and disruptions, like a flat tire, an uninvited visitor, a headache, a long form to be filled out, etc. cause stress too. Lazarus´s little hassles were found to be more related to physical health than Holmes and Rahe´s major life events. So, both big and little events create stress; you need to be aware of both. And, in fact, as Lazarus points out, health can better be viewed as a result of effective or ineffective coping rather than as simply a result of stress in the environment. You may not be able to avoid stress, but you can learn to cope http://mentalhelp.net/psyhelp/chap5/chap5c.htm ועוד הגדרה (מפי האתון) עם הרפרנס... Stress arises when individuals perceive that they cannot adequately cope with the demands being made on them or with threats to their well-being. R.S. Lazarus (1966). Psychological stress and the coping process. New York: McGraw-Hill. http://www.managingstress.com/definition.htm לפעמים שלוקחים עבודות תרגום צריך "לחנך" קצת את הכותב