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קיבלתי היום מייל מעמותת animal liberation האוסטרלית, המספר על החלטתה של אלעל להטיס קופים לניסויים, וקורא לקוראיו בכל העולם- לכתוב מכתבי מחאה לאלעל! שימו לב, העתקתי לכאן את החלק הרלוונטי של המייל: __________
EL AL WILL CONTINUE TO FLY PRIMATES BOUND FOR LABS The news story below, which was published this week, tells how Israel´s national airline, El Al, went back on its word and officially agreed to carry primates from Israel´s "Mazor" breeding farm to experimentation labs in Europe. El Al is one of the 13 remaining airlines in the world that still agrees to carry monkeys to be used in cruel experiments. Mazor is exporting hundreds of 6-month old monkeys to European labs. Please read the story, then send a fax to El Al´s new CEO and to their Head Secretary, and tell them exactly what you think of their new policy. Please send faxes to: Mr. Amos Shapira, El Al CEO, is +972-3-9714405. Mr. Itamar Bartov, Head Secretary, +972-3-9717334. Or contact your local El Al office and ask that your message be passed on. Unfortunately, messages cannot be sent by email at this time. -- A year ago, after public pressure, El Al (Israel´s national carrier) announced that it would stop carrying the monkeys; last week it went back on its promise. June 2, 2002 by Tamar Nahari, Walla! News Desk Bitter news for animal welfare groups: six days before the opening arguments were to be presented at the Tel Aviv Municipal Court on the issue of whether monkeys to be used in experiments should be flown to their destination by El Al, the company announced that it had changed its principle stance, and is now willing to fly primates to experimentation labs. As a result, the trial in which El Al was being sued by the Mazor primate breeding farm was cancelled. In an announcement that was presented to the court last Thursday, and received the status of a verdict, El Al announced that, "after it had examined its position, it arrived to the decision to continue allowing shipments of monkeys that were bred at the Mazor primate farm to depart from Israel in its airplanes." The effect of the announcement is that the company´s airplanes will continue to regularly fly monkeys from the Mazor Farm to experimentation labs around the world. At the farm, which is located near Moshav Mazor in the Sharon region, there are some 1,000 monkeys, all of which are sold to labs for some $2,000 a head. It is one of very few farms in the West exporting monkeys for experiments. International Ban on Flying Monkeys for Experimentation The affair began with an announcement by El Al in November 1999 in which it announced that as a result of public pressure, starting in January 2000, it would cease flying monkeys for experimentation. Thus, El Al joined 110 other airlines worldwide that declared their refusal to fly monkeys for experimentation. Following El Al´s announcement, the Mazor Farm turned to the courts, asking them to force the national carrier to continue flying their monkeys. Mazor Farm claimed that it has no other way of exporting monkeys, other than via El Al, and if the company refused to fly them, it would be likely cause the farm to shut down. As a result, about a year ago the court issued a temporary injunction requiring that the airline continue flying the primates. In response, the Israeli Society for the Abolition of Vivisection (ISAV) turned to the courts and asked that it be party to the trial. ISAV asserted that the Mazor Farm misled the court because at least one foreign carrier was available to them. The evidence was to be presented in court this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Survey: The Majority of the Public Objects to Flying the Monkeys In response to the change in the position of El Al and the cancellation of the trial, the Israeli Society for the Abolition of Vivisection strongly criticized the company´s conduct. The organization claims that the position of El Al was nothing more than lip service in order to project a false public image. Furthermore, it asserts, El Al intended in reality to lose the trial, which would have enabled it to come out with its hands clean while making a tide profit from flying the monkeys. However, when the ISAV joined as a respondent in the case, the tables turned on El Al, which according to ISAV had mostly feared that it would win. ISAV released a survey today taken by the Maagar Mochot Institute, according to which most of the Israeli public desires to see the airline refrain from flying monkeys for experimentation. To the question "Would you prefer flying in an airline that also carries monkeys for experimentation?", 52 percent answered No, 33 percent answered "I really don´t care" while 0 percent answered that they would rather fly with a company that carries monkeys for experimentation. With regard to El Al´s policy, 53% of the respondents answered that they prefer that the company halt flying monkeys for experiments, 4 percent answered that they want the company to continue flying them, while 28 percent claimed they have no opinion on the subject. The survey was performed in May, among a randomly selected group of 515 individuals. El Al spokesman said in response that "El Al sets its cargo limitations policy only according to what is specified by law, codes and orders by various authorized bodies. El Al has no authority to prohibit flying cargo merely on the basis of disagreement, if such exists, with the intentions and desires of the sender."​
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