לדבר עם פיל

Major Thom

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לדבר עם פיל

[מתוך at ease]
Chat with Phil [15-02-03] Radiohead are backing a new Samaritans campaign that challenges people to reconsider their attitudes towards emotional health such as issues like depression and stress. As part of this campaign Phil Selway will chat at www.webchats.co.uk on Wednesday 19th February, from 4pm till 5pm to find out more about the campaign and Phil Selway’s involvement with the Samaritans. You can submit questions prior to the chat at [email protected]. [thanks Jocelyn]​
(הלינק ההוא לא עובד לי .. אבל זה מה שהיה כתוב באטאיז.)
idlewild - stay in same


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תודה מייג'ור ../images/Emo9.gif

מעניין למה זה תמיד בימים שיש לי לימודים


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מעלה כדי שתראו...../images/Emo124.gif

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