וואו, עוד משהו מעניין!!!
סצנה שהושמטה מאחד הפרקים בעונה הראשונה, שמסבירה הכל על הטיימר. הפרק היה אמור להיות הפרק השני, אבל בגלל שהרשת הזיזה אותו להיות הפרק החמישי, הסצנה כבר היתה חסרת היגיון והושמטה. התסריט שלה (מעניין לקרוא): Originally, in "Summer of Love" there was a scene which explained a bit about the fuctionality of Quinn's timer and explained why it is so important for the Sliders to not miss the next opening of the gate out of the current Earth. Unfortunately, this scene just didn't make sense once "Summer of Love" was bumped from episode #2 to episode #5 and the scene was cut from the episode. That said, here is the original scene as it appears in the "Summer of Love" script and, presumably, as it was filmed: ----------- REMBRANDT (CONT'D) Where's the Professor? As if on cue, Aurturo bursts out of the loft, running after them and trying to hold four guns at the same time. Scant seconds later, the Feds also exit the building, sprinting after him. Arturo spins, dropping three of the guns and shooting the fourth one in the air as a warning that gets the Feds to freeze. Uncomfortable carrying any firearms, he flings the fourth gun away and resumes running toward his friends. ARTURO Hurry up, get back in the car! The Feds are scrambling to retrieve their guns as Quinn, Arturo and Rembrandt hurry back to the Cadillac. Rembrandt jumps behind the wheel, Quinn and Arturo dive into the open back seat - Copeland and Yenn have retrieved their guns, they OPEN FIRE. Rembrandt is driving and ducking, as bullets whiz past the accelerating purple vehicle. REMBRANDT Seems like you two make friends wherever you go! Why am I not surprised?! The Caddy screeches around the corner at breakneck speed and gets away - for the moment. INT. THE CADDY - NIGHT - ARTURO IS IN THE FRONT Quinn in the back; Rembrandt drives, keeping a careful eye on the rearview mirror, while bemoaning his near brush with domesticity. REMBRANDT Man, that is the _last_ time I do a good deed. The Crying Man gave that woman his all, and look at the thanks he got. (to Quinn, in mirror) Now, what was that about the timer? QUINN It's badly damaged. We can't open the gate at will anymore. So the Professor and I did some calculating based on The Helix Spiral -- REMBRANDT -- Felix who? QUINN _Helix_. It's a ten dimensional form of Witten's index theorem. REMBRANDT Oh. That. QUINN It suggests there will be a single window of opportunity on each Earth we visit. A moment in time when the weakened powers of the gizmo will still allow us to access the gate. ARTURO The window he's referring to will be di